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Taehyung gets up from his seat and apologises to the waiter who comes to clean up the mess. The wine was spilt on the floor as well as on the table.

He heads over to the washroom, grabs a piece of tissue and after wetting it, starts wiping his white shirt and tie. Out of all the dates Taehyung could have worn white, he decided today.

Not being able to take off the red stain from the shirt, he proceeds to close and button the entire coat after straightening his tie to cover the stains. Taehyung then remembers the short blonde haired he had dated briefly- when he wanted something new- something that his hook ups hadn't been providing. The feeling of having something constant- a person that will stay.

The short and bubbly blonde had always insisted on choosing Taehyung's tie and then knotting it. It was when Taehyung had just started working in his family's company as the director of the production department.

Even though Taehyung had dated the guy for only four months, in that amount of time- the other had never failed to take care of Taehyung.

Yet, he still hadn't been the one.


After paying for the bewildering amount of food his ex-girlfriend had ordered as well as giving some tips due to the mess caused due to him indirectly, Taehyung calls his driver to take him back home.

Once inside the car, he takes out his phone and gets busy replying to all the work mails and phone calls he had missed.

The driver in front turned the volume of the car radio down- internally annoyed at how he could no longer listen to music while driving but not daring to show the annoyance to the young businessman at the back. The driver had no intention of losing his extremely well paid job.

Taehyung never once left his phone for the entire thirty five minutes it took to reach home.

Only when he could see the Kim Mansion looming from behind the green trees did Taehyung hang up and ask the dealer he had been on a call with to get back to him later.

Right now, Taehyung was worried on what he would tell his mother- he didn't want to see the disappointed look on her face yet again at the thought of another short lived relationship.

Grabbing his briefcase and checking once again whether the wine stains were visible or not- thankfully, they weren't- Taehyung walked inside the house- dismissing the guards who bowed at him.

Inside, there was the familiar humdrum of his family. The Kim Mansion housed his mother, maternal grandfather (who took turns staying here and at his aunt's house), his paternal grandparents- grandpa and grandma, who still lived here even after their son- Taehyung's father- had passed away and the staff.

Their house is large- Taehyung sometimes thinks that they can sell this out and actually give this place to someone who really needs it- but during evenings like this- the house looks small and cramped. Chefs are running to and fro, the staff people are speaking and directing orders with hushed whispers and there is the voice of the television coming from the living room- grandpa and grandma's place of preference most of the time.

Taehyung goes inside to greet them. "Hello, grandma! Grandpa!"

He personally likes both of them over his grandfather- though he shouldn't compare grandparents- as they weren't materialistic. Plus, Taehyung didn't have to put up a perfect front in front of grandma and grandpa- unlike his grandfather, who wanted everyone to be prim and proper.

"Tae! You have arrived!" His grandma says from the couch, a toothy grin spreading on her wrinkly face. Grandpa smiles too- less teeth.

"How was your day, young man?" Grandpa asks, hands over grandma's shoulder. 

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