Part 7

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Ophelia's/your POV:

"Why don't we go sit on the chairs outside and see what everyone's doing?" Avani offers and I nod and follow them outside and sit on the middle chair when Chase came over to Charli and Ant came over to Avani and Jay came over to me and they all cuddled into us because we were laying down.

"What's wrong?" I quietly ask him playing with his hair as he has his head on my chest.

"Want to come in the pool with me?" He asks.

"If you want me to then I will" I reply and he gets up and holds his hand out for me to grab.

"Wait I gotta take my t-shirt and shorts off or I'm not gonna have anything to wear" I say and take them off then take his hand and go over to the pool with him and he gets in and I sit with my feet in the water so he comes over and stands in between my legs and has his hands wrapped around my waist and I have my head on his shoulder and he slowly pulls me into the water and carries me around and I just stay with my head in his neck while he walks over to people and talks with them.

"You still awake?" He whispers in my ear.

"Mhm" I hum and lift my head up and smile at him.

"I thought you fell asleep because you hadn't moved in a while" he says and I giggle shaking my head.

"I nearly did but then you started talking to me" I say and lay my head back on his shoulder with my face in his neck and he rubs my back with one of his hands.

"Yo Jaden wanna go lay on the couch bed thing over there?" Taylor called out from where he was sitting.

"Wanna go lay there with me?" He asks and I nod and he gets out of the pool by the stairs still holding me and walks over to where Taylor talked about and puts me down so he can lay down and then I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

"You can go to sleep if you need to" he says and I nod and eventually fall asleep.

Jadens POV:

I told her she could fall asleep as she was fighting it and I went back to watching Tik Toks on my phone and after a while I look down and see that she's asleep on my chest so I start playing with her hair and call Tayler over.

"Yo Tayler come here for a sec" I yell cause he was the only one out of the pool but he was on the other side of the outdoor bit. He walks over and sits at the end of the outdoor sofa bed.

"What's up?" He asks.

"Can you bring me some water please?" I ask him and he nods and heads inside and comes out a few minutes later with a water bottle and hands it to me.

"Thanks man" I say while grabbing it.

"All good. Is she okay she looks kinda pale" he says pointing to Ophelia so I look down and notice that she is pale so I feel her head and it's really warm.

"Can you help me take her inside?" I ask and he nods and picks her up because she's so light and I get up and wave Griff over to follow us inside and he does.

"What's up?" Griff asks when he gets inside where we are.

"She's really pale and she keeps sleeping a lot" I tell him.

"Was her head hot?" He asks.

"Yeah but she's been asleep on me for like an hour in the sun" I say.

"Wake her up and get her to drink some water and see if she can keep it down" he says pointing to the bottle in my hand.

"Alright thanks" I say as he is walking back outside and Tayler stays with me in case I need help.

"Okay so how do you wake a girl up without annoying them?" I ask.

"Just like shake her and when she wakes up hug her? I don't know that's just what I do whenever I wake Kellianne up" he says and I do that hoping she isn't annoyed when she wakes up. 

Ophelia's/your POV:

I woke up to someone shaking me and when I open my eyes I get pulled into a hug by Jaden and I push him away confused. "What's wrong?" I ask sitting up.

"Nothing just have some water, we need to see if you can keep it down" he says handing me a bottle of water and I nod and then have a sip of it and hand it back to him and then I look to the side and see a guy but I don't remember his name.

"Who's that?" I ask quietly pointing to him.

"That's Tayler" Jay says.

"Okay" I say and lean into the couch.

"Can we go in the pool?" I ask.

"Do you feel like you're gonna throw up?" Tayler asks and I shake my head no because I feel fine. 

"Well then just stay close to me so then I can take you inside if you need to" Jaden says holding his hand out and I smile and take his hand and walk outside with both of them and Jaden gets in the pool then I sit on the edge dipping my feet in and then I pull Jaden's arm so he's standing in between my legs and I lay my head on his shoulder and wrap my arms and legs around him so he can carry me and he takes the hint and does just that.

"Thanks" I say into his neck so it comes out weird but he just nods and has one hand on my back and the other under my legs while he carries me over to the boys.

"You okay Ophelia?" Bryce asks and I nod but don't lift my head.

"You good holding her Jay?" Kio asks.

"Yeah she's really light so I don't care" he says.

"Alright cause I'm happy to carry her if or when you need a break" he says and I giggle.

"She's like a little sister I never had" Bryce says and I smile into Jaden's neck.

"She's smiling" he says.

"Put me down please" I whisper to Jay and he lets go of me and I walk over to Bryce and hug him and then go back to Jaden and stand in his arms.

"What's up boys?" Someone says and I look over and see it's Chase so wave at him.

"Hey Ophelia right?" He questions and I nod.

"Wanna come get drinks with me for everyone?" Chase asks and I nod and walk inside with him. "So how'd you meet Jaden?" He asks.

"He ran into me on the beach the other day and we clicked so he gave me his number and we are kinda just really close and he knows a fair bit about me that no one else does" I reply.

"Do you like him?" He asks.

"Yeah as a friend. I'm not looking for a relationship at the moment as I'm not mentally stable enough to be with anyone" I tell him the truth because I've been thinking about it and don't want to put anyone through having to deal with me.

"Right. So maybe in the future?" He asks.

"Maybe" I reply shrugging.

"Where are you from I can't figure out your accent?" He asks and I giggle cause Jay was the same when we met.

"I'm from England I moved here about a month ago and I'm starting school in two months here" I reply.

"Nice online or normal school?" He asks.

"Normal but I might do online depending if I blow up or not" I reply and he nods and smiles.

"Well let's get the drinks and head back out to everyone" he says and I nod and grab the drinks and follow him outside and hand them to people then go back to standing with Jaden.

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