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         "Wow," I said. That girl...well that girl was beautiful. Her beauty left me in awe, quite literally wowed me. Another girl walked by, and it seemed that she was gorgeous as well. Apparently I'm surrounded by gorgeous female humans. Wait...where am I? "What the fuck ?". Yet another girl passed, and, boy oh bo- "SEPHORA." I turn over. My eyes flutter open to see Anne, the family nanny. I reach up and rub the sleep out of my eyes. She squints down at me and says "There's a meeting Princess , you've got to ready yourself." I groan internally, but stick to nodding my head at Anne. She eyes me strangely for a second before hurrying out the door. 

        I suppose I was dreaming  again, that's not the first time. I don't know why I keep having those dreams,they're pretty weird. I stand up and walk over to my closet, opening the door and cringing  as it makes an awful sound. It takes me hardly any time at all to decide what to wear. It's only a meeting, so my attire doesn't have to be formal. I slip on a pair of black leggings, my black and red flannel, and combat boots. I can't be bothered with my hair, which is a mess, so I run my fingers through it and put on a red beanie.

        'Very casual wardrobe for a princess', my father will say. 'A bit boyish, don't you thinK', he'll probably say that too. My father, the king of Kamiza, is very critical when it comes, i guess.

        I open my door just enough for me to slip through, and close it as soon as i'm outside of my room. I never leave my door open. Nope. There are far too many people roaming these halls that are nosy little pricks who like to snoop through my belongings. I don't think so.

        I make my way from my closed bedroom door to the nearest set of stairs. This castle has a ridiculous amount of stairs. I'm sure even I don't know of them all, and I've been here for 16 years. My entire life.

        The staircase that I chose happens to be one that nobody ever uses. That's purely coincidental. I'm not avoiding human contact/socialization at all. It also happens to be one of the older sets. My Mother and Father built this castle from the ground up, way back in some year before I was born. The castle started normal, with 2 sets of stairs on either side, but over the years my mom added more. After she passed away, my father took it upon himself to 'honor her wishes' or some shit, and went fucking crazy adding more staircases. To this day, i still don't think he's done.

        When I've finally reached the bottom of the stairs, I look up from my bare feet to see everyone looking at me expectantly. I'm confused until I hear a high pitched voice clear her throat. I turn to see a girl that looks my age, and she's 3 times as beautiful as all of the girls in my dream combined. My cheeks turn beet red, everyone is all dressed up and here comes Sephora the fucking moron in a flannel and leggings.

        The gorgeous woman sees I'm not speaking, and decides to speak first. "Hello, I'm Chrissy, my brother is a possible suitor for you."

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