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Aaliyah cried helplessly as she watched him take away everyone she had loved. One by one, he'd lodge a bullet in each of their skulls and was saving the 'best for last,' as he'd called it. He had something far much worse for him. The person she was deeply in love with, whose child she was bearing, was sitting right across from her, bound and gagged, blood seeping from the gash on his head.

She could feel the rope cutting into her skin as she fruitlessly tried to break free. As much as she pleaded for him to stop, it was futile—nothing but a mere muffle escaped her lips. She watched as Samantha fell to the floor, her eyes lifeless along with the others.

Tears cascaded down her face as he grabbed a knife off the table and stalked over to Jason, his eyes glistening in excitement. Jason cried in excruciating pain as Nathan drove the knife into his kneecap, immediately spouting blood. The knife progressed into one of Jason's shoulders with a piercing of additional pain. The sound of his muffled cries made her fight harder against her restraints, but the results remained the same.

She shut her eyes and turned her head in the other direction—she couldn't bear to watch. The sound of protruding footsteps was quickly approaching until they stopped directly behind her.

She let out a cry as he grabbed her by the hair and jerked her head back to face him. "Do not shut your eyes. I want you to watch as I slit his throat," he growled and turned her head back so she could face Jason.

Her sobs grew louder as he stepped directly behind Jason. Their eyes locked with one another. The look in Jason's eyes made the tears flow harder as they told her goodbye and that he loved her. He grabbed Jason and pulled his head back running the blade across his throat.

Now she was alone... with him.

"You failed to protect them, you know. This is your fault. You've brought this upon yourself. I thought I made myself clear, Angel. You belong to me and only me. Now, how about we take care of that hideous parasite growing within you?" He ran the blade down her protruding stomach.

Aaliyah woke with a start, a scream lodged in her throat. She was covered in sweat and her heart was trying to rip its way out of her chest from beating so hard. The dream slowly dissolved, but the fear still remained. Jason was hovered over her with a worried expression and brushed a few strands of her sweat-soaked hair away from her face.

"Hey, it's okay. It was just a dream," he whispered reassuringly. "You're safe, I promise."

She slowly sat up and pulled her gown up over her baby bump and placed a hand over her bulging stomach rubbing it lightly. She let out a relieved sigh. The baby was still here and safe.

She looked over at Jason, still with that expression on his face. The worried look in his eyes didn't suit him. Needing to touch him, to reassure her he was really there, she ran a hand through his hair and smiled when a small moan escaped his lips, then moved her hand to touch his face then down his arm.

The feel of his skin under her fingers reassured her that everything was going to be okay. She leaned over and kissed him on the lips. Jason moved closer to her and returned the kiss.

"I need you, Jason," she whispered pleadingly.

Heat passed over his features. He sat up just long enough to tug his pants down over his hips and off his legs. He crossed his arms over his chest as he grabbed the bottom hem of his white shirt and slowly pulled it over his head.

As soon as he stripped, her palms were pressed to the broad expanse of his muscled chest, pushing him backwards into a reclined position on his back, head cushioned by pillows.

Aaliyah crawled atop him, moving with the fluid grace of a feline. She pressed her body against his as she straddled his thighs, trapping his member between them as it throbbed against her swollen stomach.

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