Mission Impossible

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Ayanokōji Kiyotaka shifted uncomfortably in his bed as flashes of light penetrated his sleepy eyes. beside him was a beautiful woman sleeping peacefully unaffected by the flashes of light. That woman was none other than his wife Ayanokōji Kei.

Kiyotaka languidly searched for the source of light that was obviously directed towards him. By the intensity of the light, he was able to conclude that it was a flashlight beam furthermore it was switched on and off in a repeated pattern.

To an untrained eye, this would seem normal however Kiyotaka immediately realized it was a morse code and translated it.

'ARGOS-4 get up'

the sleepy man immediately jolted up just like how he did when a certain friend of his took a compass and..... let's not get into that. 

With rapt attention, he looked over at the clock which read 2:00 am. 

'i guess its about time'

He slowly got out of his bed to make sure his wife wouldn't wake up. that's the last thing he wanted to see.

Slowly he made his way out of his room and looked over to the person who called him out. A tiny figure hooded under a blanket slowly looked up to him revealing the face of a cute nine-year-old girl with dazzling brown eyes and blonde hair.

                                                                       ( ALL HAIL UMARU-CHAN )

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                                                                       ( ALL HAIL UMARU-CHAN )

"Papa you slob! how can you forget about the mission" yelled the small girl pouting?

"Oh... sorry commander, I won't repeat it" apologized  the man with a monotone voice while giving her a salute.

Ayanokōji Kiyoko was visibly frustrated by her father's negligence. However, she immediately focused on the mission at hand. She slid her pocketbook into her back pocket. It contained all sorts of secret codes from ROT1 to hexadecimal given to her by her father.

From her backpack, she took out two torchlights. The two torchlights were clearly for different people, a big torchlight having a handle clearly meant for adults while the other torch was small and had a Unicorn design. She gave him the Unicorn one and began the mission.

'you could have given me the bigger one' complained Kiyo but found his daughter's antics cute.

Together the duo made their way downstairs. Kiyoko led the way followed by Kiyotaka who made sure to be as quiet as Ike was when he was peeking into the girls changing room.

What he and his daughter were doing was something clearly forbidden in the Ayanokōji household. However, he knew the reward was worth the risk so he had to make sure no matter what his wife doesn't wake up.

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