My Own Blood

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"Hey, Ryueen can't you drive any faster?"

The tranquil and deserted streets of early morning Shibuya were nowhere to be seen on December 5th. Even though winter was few days off, the weather was freezingly cold. the Sunrays were struggling to infiltrate through the heavy fog only revealing a tiny yet beautiful glint from the horizon.

But what was most concerning of all was the wheezing car traveling at tremendous speed. Police were alerted, wondering which idiot was driving like a total maniac but upon closer look, they decided that stoping them would only bring death. They were right too, as the vehicle had a yakuza emblem on it.

"Shut your trap, You got some big balls talking to a gangster-like that." Ryueen was indeed right. Being a regular P.E. teacher, Miyake Akito had the audacity to confront the young yakuza boss who could make the most powerful and authoritative people around the world drink their own piss.

"Damn we are already late" cursed Akito who couldn't say anything else

"Your talking like it's your baby being born," said ryueen implying him to calm the fu*k down

"Ryueen you know I could drive faster," said Kiyotaka who was simply watching them from the backseat

"Huh? There's no way I am letting you lay a hand on my ride" said Ryueen while drifting down the roads of Tokyo

Even though he was calm Ryueen was trying his best to drive fast.

It all happened a while back when a wild Akito barged into the yakuza headquarters. Ryueen and Kiyotaka were having a meeting at that time.

He would have been immediately shot down if it wasn't for him yelling " Kiyotaka your wife is giving birth.". The three of them immediately set out towards the hospital.

"Hey, Ryueen how did it feel becoming a father" The seemingly silent Kiyotaka decided to speak up.

Upon hearing the 'monsters' surprising question, Ryueen's face had a big grin on it, but the words he said didn't match up with his face

"I was scared kuku" 



Both Kiyotaka and Akito were surprised after hearing Ryueen's reply. Ryueen's kid was born only a few months ago. He was a baby boy. Ryueen continued with a grin on his face

"At first I really didn't give a damn until I saw the baby. He was so small and fragile that it scared me. There was no way I would let something like that live in this stupid world, especially someone who would be the kid of a gang boss."

What Ryueen told was true. This world had a lot of things which wasn't for the faint-hearted ones. The kid of a Yakuza boss would only have suffering to endure. (and a harem rom-com)

"However that fear slowly began to change into love. It's hard and cringy to explain but you will understand it once you hold the baby in your arms"

Kiyotaka couldn't understand what Ryueen was blurting out and lost interest. Ryueen noticing this turned back and stared directly into his eyes 

"Hold her. You will understand"

"Dumbass! put your shitty eyes on the road" panicked Akito which stopped the car from nearly crashing.

Ayanokoji began to think deeply. It was not like he couldn't understand the charm of a child. Children were mystical in their own way. Their attempt at communication with adults has aroused curiosity among many great thinkers. Speaking in terms of evolution, humans love their children as it is solid proof of their survival. It meant they could leave the future to them Hence pour them with affection and care just like a farmer would to his crops. But Kiyotaka didn't know what kind of a father he had to be. He was utterly confused. A scene started playing through his mind then

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