
118 7 2

January 7, 2002

"I need to be myself
I can't be no one else"

It was a bloody miracle. After years of begging, Isaac had finally allowed Ida to stay up and hang out at his house party with his friends. The loud music pounded around her head as the scent of sweaty bodies and cheap booze almost fried her nose hairs.

"Oi! Put it down!" Ida yelled sternly as she rushed towards one of her older brother's friends who had gotten ahold of her grandmothers vases. She huffed at the distasteful remarks she received from the older boy and made her way to the kitchen to pour herself a drink.

"I'm feeling supersonic
Give me gin and tonic"

Taking a sip, Ida looked around at her surroundings. The narrow hallway had been reserved for make-outs and the only bathroom was for the occasional cheeky finger. The house that sheltered  herself, Isaac and her Grandmother each day was old. The hardwood floors creaked with each step. If those paint chipped walls could talk, they'd have many stories to tell.

Somebody standing across the room suddenly caught her eye. He was standing with two other girls, looking somewhat out of place. He would flip the shaggy brown hair that laid against his forehead out of his eyes periodically, as if he needed a hair cut. She liked it.

"You can have it all
but how much do you want it?"


Alex was uncomfortable. He didn't know these girls. He had no desire to know these girls. They were loud, obnoxious, and boring.
How could such loud people be so boring? he thought to himself.

"So," the red headed girl began, "What, or better yet, who, brings you here, Axel?" she twirled a a damaged lock of hair between her fingers.

"Me mates friends with Isaac so I tagged along." Alex sighed, not bothering to correct her.

"Right, who's the girl who keeps looking at ya?" the other blonde girl spat. She sounded jealous, as if each word was laced with venom. Alex wasn't sure why, he couldn't remember their names, Becky and Tamara maybe? He didn't care.

"Dunno." he responded plainly.

He looked over at the girl leaning against the kitchen bench with a drink in her hands. Suddenly, they looked straight into each other's eyes from across the room. Her eyes were dark and mysterious, like she had a secret. She tilted her head after a few long seconds of staring at each other.

Without thinking, Alex made his way over to the girl. The closer he got, the more he noticed. Ink black curls rested just under her shoulders and a messy fringe stopped slightly above her long eyelashes. She had three small freckles that formed a triangle on her right cheekbone and a mole underneath her ear.

Her left dimple was evident even when she wasn't smiling.

"Alex" he introduced himself.

"Ida" she smiled widely at him.

Alex grinned in response to her name. Her left dimple was deeper than her right one.


Ida felt her heart flutter. Alex.

Alex, Alex, Alex.

"You must be Isaac's sister, eh?" he said, raising his eyebrow.

"Mm, and you must be Isaac's friend."

"You could say that I 'spose." he chuckled. "Rumour has it, you're good on the dance floor." he nudged her with his elbow.

"Hardly." Ida giggled only loud enough for Alex to hear.

"You make me laugh
give me your autograph."

"That's not what I've heard, eh. I bet you look good on the dance floor."  he poured them both another drink.

"Don't believe the hype, Alex." Ida smirked.


Ida didn't know too much, but she knew she liked Alex more than anyone she had ever met.

Alex knew quite a lot, especially when it came to Ida's features. However, he also knew there was something immensely special about Ida.

"Can I ride with you
in your BMW
you can sail with me
in my yellow submarine"

"C'mon then," Ida grabbed onto Alex's hand suddenly, "I 'spose I owe ya a dance anyway."
Without any hesitation, Alex nodded and began to pull her to the middle of the living room to dance until the early hours of the morning.

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