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January 8, 2002

Loud music continued to blast throughout the house. Drunk teenagers kept yelling and dancing and grinding. Lines of cocaine were still being cut up on her grandmother's kitchen bench.

Ida didn't care. She continued to dance with Alex as they let hot, sticky sweat coat their bodies and glisten in the dim lights.


It was 2:30am and as much as he loved being so close to Ida and the feeling of their dripping bodies pressed together as they danced around the small living room, Alex was worn out.

Should he interrupt them to get her a drink? Something to eat? God, he felt like an idiot.
She made him nervous, though, not in a bad way. Although his exterior was cool and calm, Alex had never felt so many butterflies in his stomach at once. Ida was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. Something about the way she looks at him in the eye makes him want to giggle and squeal and kick his legs like a schoolgirl.

"Wanna get a drink, love?" he shouted over the music.

"Already given me a pet name, eh?" Ida teased him.
Alex tilted his head and cocked an eyebrow.

"You called me 'love', Alex." she chuckled at his confusion.

"Oh? Oh! Sorry, I shouldn't ha-" his stuttering was cut off by another laugh.
It wasn't overly girly or sickly sweet. It was a real laugh - one that comes from the gut. It was loud and a bit obnoxious, and by the look on her face, Ida thought it was ugly.

But it was like music to Alex's ears. He gave her a reassuring smirk as she blushed.


It felt as if Ida's heart skipped when he smiled at her.

'Oh my fucking god. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god'

Nobody has ever made Ida as flustered as she is right now. She knew it was wrong, morally, that is, but she truly didn't care.

"C'mon, let's get a drink!" Ida exclaimed, her previous three shots finally getting to her head.

She grabbed his hand and pulled him back towards the kitchen, pouring whatever the first bottle she finds into two cups.

"So," Alex paused, taking a sip and wincing at the clear liquid burning his throat, "Actually, don't drink that, you'll hate it." He swiftly took the cup from her hand and poured the contents down the sink.

"And how would you know?" Ida inquired, narrowing her dark eyes playfully.

"You don't strike me as a vodka girl," he raised an eyebrow, "Are you?"

The girl let out an amused breath. "No, I'm not."

Alex shot her a pleased smirk as he opened the fridge door.

"Now, what were you gonna ask me?" Ida said as she watched him rummage through her fridge.

"Eh? Oh yeah, I was gonna ask about your grandmother, don't you live with her?"

She was honestly shocked. Sure, it wasn't much, but any other boy Ida had ever spoken to never gave a shit to ask about her family apart from her older brother Isaac.

"Mhm, yeah, she's out of town for a family occasion." She mumbled, only just loud enough to grab Alex's attention.

"Family occasion? Aren't you family?" he questioned, chuckling.

"She's gone for her son's funeral." Ida said bluntly, pouring herself a shot.

Alex quickly shut the fridge door.

'Fuck,' he thought to himself, 'don't tell me I've already fucked this up.'

How was he going to distract Ida from the tragic grief of losing a family member?

Looking around the room he spots a piece of blank paper and a pen.


Ida watched his hands as he scribbled on the piece of paper. He had an awkward tan line on his wrist, implying that he once wore a watch. Her eyes traveled from his wrist to his veiny hands and long fingers. She couldn't lie, his hands were very attractive.

"Here," Alex passed her the piece of paper.

"Well I wrote my number down
I never wrote it down before"

'Alex Turner: +4428994510'

"Do ya have any plans for Saturday?" Alex looked deeply into her eyes.

'God I just wanna kiss her'

"Yeah I do actually," Ida smiled sadly, "My boyfriend, Jimmy, is coming down from college for the weekend."


Hello! Though I'd revisit this fic I started last May when I was slightly manic. But if I'm completely honest, writing this chapter was for pure enjoyment! Also, the lyrics in bold are from '7' by Arctic Monkeys!

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