Episode 1 - "A Faded Past and a Blurred Future"

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Day 1, 8:07 A.M.

My name is Tobias.

I woke up around ten minutes ago, and that same thought has been the only thing running through my mind. I can't seem to remember anything else - where I was yesterday, how I got here, and probably most importantly, where I ended up.

I know what I look like. Messy black hair with piercing blue eyes that occasionally decide to show themselves underneath my bangs. Slightly below average height, around five and a half feet. I seemed to have still retained most general knowledge about life and what I've learned throughout my years. The scary part is that all of the memories and experiences that gave me said knowledge have left my mind completely. For example, I still know and remember stuff such as music and what it sounds like, I just don't recall any songs or ever actually listening to music. All of it simply evades me, and that fact is horrifying.

Maybe it was just a short term thing. Maybe when I was put here, I was hit in the head with something and it caused my memories to get messed up for a little while. At least, I hope that's somewhat close to what really happened.

Now, questions begin to find their way into my train of thought. How did this all happen? Who did this to me? And... why? What kind of person would get any sort of satisfaction from this? That is, assuming someone intentionally did this to me. I don't want to jump to any big conclusions immediately, since there still could be a way to find out what happened. Somehow.

Eventually my senses started to come back a bit more, slowly. I made myself aware of the unfamiliar terrain surrounding me. I'm splayed out on the ground with my back touching against something hard. I start to feel through grass and dirt with my hands. Above me, the beams of sunlight are cast down on my face through the tops of dauntingly tall trees.

When I finally attempt to stand up, my legs feel shaky and wobbly, possibly from them being stagnant for a while. I also realize that my entire body feels sore. I move my arms around in circles a few times and hear a crack here and there, like my limbs were just now waking up from their slumber.

"Ow," I exclaim to nobody but myself.

I had been laying down on some sort of large wooden plank, which would probably explain all the physical pains I was feeling. I'm fairly sure that my body didn't feel super comfortable on that thing for however long I've been here. It seems strange, but maybe it's a sign that some person actually put me here? It's hard to be sure.

All around me is simply forest. For miles, it seems. There are no signs of civilization to be seen or heard. Only the crunching of leaves under my feet and a bird I hear chirping somewhere above me. That was comforting, at least. Even though it's just a bird, I'm not completely alone here.

I look back at the wooden plank on the ground and notice a medium sized backpack a few feet behind it, hanging from a low branch. How had I not noticed it before? Whatever, it didn't matter. I walked over to it - with a few more jolts of pain from my knees - and unzipped it to see what contents it held inside.

"What the hell...?" I muttered, again, to no one.

The first thing I noticed was a tablet, with a small but seemingly effective case surrounding it. The thing fit into both of my hands pretty nicely when lifting the light device. On the side there was something that looked like a power button. I tested it by pressing it a few times, but nothing. The screen of the tablet remained blank. Maybe the thing wasn't even an actual working device and was just made to look like one, but what would be the point of that?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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