The mystery killing

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One day while you were walking down the patch garden, you turn the corner and find a body on the ground.
You run up to the person, But nothing shows how they got killed!
"Maybe they overdosed, or perhaps just dead of heart failure?"
You carried them to the nursing tent. "How she died is a mystery, we will look more into the situation ma'am." The nurse said shaking her head.
"Alright, once you find anymore info please send someone out to find me, I'm going to be traveling this weekend."
You then walk away.
You were traveling to the capital of the village, to meet with the Pres.
As you set off you found yourself walking for quite awhile. Once you set for camp. It's near midnight.
When you start looking in you're bag for something to eat, you find Fish sticks, and some instant Ramen.
You cook the Ramen and Fish sticks wich takes about 30 minutes. Then you grab you're sleeping bag and lay down. But what you forgot to do was put out the fire.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2021 ⏰

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