Part III

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Chapter Warning: sexual content


Intrepid Teenage Hero

Part III: The Ginger Git


The following day at tea time, our intrepid teenage hero once again stood bravely upon the steps of Malfoy Manor, perfectly Polyjuiced into Blaise Zabini and ready to shag the daylights out of Draco.

Oh right, and to, uh…find that Horcrux.

Now don't forget about the Horcrux today, Harry ordered himself, as he rang the bell. That's why you're here. Horcruxes. Not sex. Horcruxes. You are going to have sex - probably very good sex - but do not forget about the Horcrux just because you're caught up in an hour of hot, sweaty, very good sex with Draco bent over the - damn it, NO! Don't bugger this up! Remember the Horcrux!

Dinky the House Elf met him at the door again, and escorted him through the corridors to the same double doors as before. Only this time, Harry wasn't a case of nerves. In fact, he was quite looking forward to whatever was going to occur between him and Malfoy today.

He was really hoping Draco hadn't been kidding about that armchair.

"Dinky is leaving you here now," the Elf said, bowing low before disappearing with a crack. Harry took a deep breath and put a hand on the doors. They swung open effortlessly to reveal the same room with the same tea service set for two, and the same blonde seated in one of the chairs at the tea table.

A smile lit up Harry's face and he quickly headed toward Draco. "Hi," he said, eyes feasting on the Slytherin, who was wearing dark green robes and had his hair loose again, falling adorably into his eyes…

…which were determinedly looking anywhere but at Harry.

"Hi," Draco muttered back uncomfortably, tugging nervously at the lacey tablecloth.

Harry was puzzled by this turn of events. "Alright there, Draco?" he asked casually, sex over the arm of a chair completely forgotten in light of Draco's unexpected shyness.

He took a seat in the other chair next to Draco, who was staring into his empty tea cup like it held the secrets of the universe.

"Couldn't be better," Draco said dryly. "Oh, except that I'm absolutely mortified beyond belief that I threw myself at you like that yesterday."

Harry stared at him blankly. "But…but you…wait…"

What the hell was Draco talking about? Hadn't he and Blaise been shagging for ages? Draco had sure acted like it yesterday! But if that wasn't what Draco was normally like…

Harry chewed his lip for a moment, trying to make sense of things, when it came to him.

Aha! he thought triumphantly. I bet Draco is normally a lot more reserved. Probably acts all demure and lets Blaise take the lead. And then yesterday he acted like some insatiable sex kitten and now he's embarassed. How cute is that...

He hastened to reassure the downtrodden boy sharing a table with him. "Don't be embarassed," he said earnestly. "Yesterday was amazing. You absolutely blew my mind."

Draco looked at Harry properly for the first time since he had entered. "Really?"

"Oh yes," Harry pressed on. "It was brilliant. You can throw yourself at me anytime."

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