keltrax part 1

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as keltrax saw the identity of the red and blue mystic force ranger he decided not to strike now since he didn't want to lose the respect of his superior's and he left with that to fight with the rangers the next morning as he left the position of the red and blue mystic rangers laying in their tents sleeping and thought it would be more wiser to carry on the next day and not to get thrashed and beasted by lord mesogog and korragg.

as the morning was rising in the air the others were waking up except maddie and nick who were comfortably sleeping in their tents while they embraced their love and without almost their clothes off but reason nick did this because he thought madison would see his bare body completely naked and without any clothes on and she would run away and never speak to him but he never he knew that.

as madison was waking up she realised she was in an embrace with no one but nick russell whom they made love to each other almost completely naked but still as she looked at nick she always blushed shyly whenever he made a complement towards her or basically hugged her or just comforted  her at his finest and she still was more than grateful to him more than ever and she was willing to be with him more than eternity.

as the sun kept rising she decided it was best to wake up her one and only phoenix lover as she was lost in his trance as she rubbed his muscles and she blushed as she couldn't feel control of her hands as she roamed them across nick's bare muscles as he was beginning to groan and moan and due to that madison let out a small cute and a shy giggle out of her as she still rubbed his muscles.

madison: nick.

nick groaned.

nick: no

madison: its time to wake up.

nick: don't want to.

madison: so you wanna be late for work with me.

nick: hmmmm, i don't care about being late for work, i just wanna stay with you only.

she blushed.

but eventually she started to kiss his neck which did the trick.

nick: okay i'm getting up.

she then giggled softly and shyly towards him as groaned but that was her slight of mistake because she didn't know the consequence of what would nick do to her if and if she interrupted him at anything but she was about to realise it for the first time and what would it mean for her and so it happened without her knowing it and it would be her first time and she would long remember it.

the second nick got up he grabbed maddie by her neck and kissed her before tackling her to the ground before starting to kiss her so furiously as she was lost in his trance of kissing towards her and she could feel every inch of it a she did not wanted him to stop right now and as she right now was moaning nick silenced it by his kisses but they needed air and so they stopped and gasped for air.

nick: i love you madison rocca

madison then replied

madison: i love you too nick russell

as they decided to get dress and head out they talked most of the way but as they were about to make even more steps their morphers rang.

madison: what's up guys?

xander on the morpher talking: well mates there was an explosion and we need to check it out but first morph.

madison: okay then, bye.

xander: see ya.

then the call ends.

nick: i guess our day could go less worse than usual.

she then rolls her eyes and playfully nudges him.

then they get into a battle stance with their morphers.

madison and nick: MAGICAL SOURCE,MYSTIC FORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


then they summon their mystic flyers and head to the scene.

as nick and madison arrive, the others arrive as well

vida: where have you been sis?

said the pink mystic ranger but then they heard a laugh, a very devilish one.

???: haahahhaahahhaahhahaahahahahahahahhahaahahhahahahahaahhahahahahahahahaahahahahha ahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahah hahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!

it echoed so loud that the mystic force rangers almost went death.

vida: who's there?!

nick: show yourself at once.

???: alright, but why is the drama about can't i have my moment before i destroy you.

then they see a black and green entity with a sword.

then they see a black and green entity with a sword

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xander: who the hell to you think you are anyways?

???: i'm glad you asked, hhmm haaaahahahahah!! !!

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