That Day

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That day, I will never forget. It was a day like any other to start off on a good note. Same old things were going on, as normal. Nothing was wrong, until I heard it. SCREECH,SCREECH,SCREECH. The alarm that went off when  someone opens the vault door. I knew exactly who it was too. It was Roscoe. He had been talking about how he had wanted to see the outside for a long time before now. I had to go stop him from leaving, so I headed to my room, grabbed my gear, and set out to get him. Little did I know what was waiting on the other side of the door. As I opened the door, I was rammed. Next thing I knew, my room was full of guards, all pointing guns at me. "You, get up, you're coming with us!", he had said. I got up with no hesitation, and we left. Not knowing where we were going, I asked."Shut your mouth, save it for the overseer!". That answered my question. We walked into the door with an angry face looking back at me.

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