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"MANO eww, that's so ugly! It sounds like a cult that is only, like men," Max squealed. It was the last day of summer vacation in Welsberry. Tomorrow is the first day of school for everyone and I felt like I was going to puke out my guts so, I went to the only place I could think of. Max's house.

      "We need like a G so we could be Mango. Oh my god, that would be so cute!" Norah said, stuffing her face with popcorn. Norah, Max, Abby, and I were inhaling bags of popcorn while watching Mean Girls, anything to get our minds off of school.

       "Did you see some family just moved in next door? It's the house right next to Max's and two houses away from mine," I said. Max was my neighbor, we live like 30 feet away and if you ever wondered what it's like to be neighbors with your best friend, well, it's amazing.

       "Oh my god. Yeah, my mom brought them cookies or something. She was all embarrassed because the lady saw her yell at Marcus for doing drugs or something," Max said in her high tone.

       "Your brother still does that stuff, I thought he quit?" Abby asked, laying on my feet. Abby, she's part of "MANO" I know it sounds weird but basically, it's M for Max, A for Abby, N for Nora, and O for Olivia, that's me but everyone calls me Liv.

       "Max your brother is so hot, sometimes," Norah giggled throwing a pillow at her.

      "He's definitely the attractive sibling," I sent Max a smirk that followed my insult.

        She sarcastically laughed out loud finishing with a straight face. "You guys are bullies! I'm like Janis and Liv is Regina!" Max smiled ear to ear pushing a pillow towards my face.

      "I want to be Gretchen!" Abby responded, referring to the iconic movie Mean Girls.

      "That means I have to be the dumb one!" Norah gasped in realization. We all glared at each other in a moment of silence before breaking off into laughter.  Max's smile illuminated the room her wavy hair covered half of her face not letting me see her full smile.

       I smiled at her smile forgetting other people were in the room. "No, but seriously is your brother still doing that stuff? I thought that Padma made him quit."

       "Oh My! Can we not talk about my druggy brother on our last day of vacation!" She begged her hands in a praying position. She turned up the volume to the movie and ushered us to face the screen. We chuckled and continued to watch Regina George torment her whole high school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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