I Miss you

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Yuki grasps the cold, full bottle of pills into her palm. She stares at it, not believing she's even remotely touching it right now. It went against what she thought was right, but here she was. Her mind was clear, and the only thing that ran through her brain was a girl. Particularly, a girl who Yuki found her heart craving for.

Sakiko-san.. Yuiki thought as she opened the lid. She poured the exact amount she needed, which happened to be two small blue pills. Grabbing the water next to her bed, she slowly swallows both pills. She hears the door creak open, and her doctor had walked in. It seemed he was about to scold her once again for not taking her medication, but was shut up by the sight of Yuki setting down the pill bottle.

"You...eh..huh?" Dumbfounded, he stares in almost udder amazement at the girl. Yuki felt her cheeks heat up, embarrassment staring to consume her.

"You took the pills!?" Yuki nodded her head slowly, and her doctors eyes lit up in joy.

"Finally! Just..I'll be back!" He took off down the hall then, and Yuki could hear him yelling the news.

She face palmed as she got up to close the door. Sighing, Yuki stared at her bed where her scarf lay. When Sakiko had basically kicked her out, Yuki had to drag her feet through the snow and back to her room. She had gotten into trouble, but when they had seen her face, they all knew that it wasn't the time. That night Yuki went to sleep with her scarf on. It had still smelled like Sakiko from when she had it, and Yuki couldn't get enough.

A buzz sounded through the room, and Yuki went back to the bed where she left her phone. Flipping it over, she sees that Yoshiko left her some messages. On the walk back after being kicked out, she had called Yoshiko to tell her about what happened. Yoshiko seemed a little upset at the both of them, but mainly Sakiko. Yuki recalls her saying something about how Sakiko can't express herself. Suddenly, Yuki's phone was buzzing repeatedly in her hand. Slightly jumping from the shock, Yuki answers the call.


"Yuki-san, you two seriously have to figure shit out," Yuki could tell Yoshiko was annoyed by her tone of voice.

"I've been trying to think of ways to see her. My first option was the library, but I think she saw me," Yoshiko could hear the sadness in Yuki's voice as she mentions Sakiko avoiding her. It was rather obvious. Yoshiko had noticed how Sakiko nearly ran to the break room when Yuki entered.

"I'd suggest being more forceful, but I know how Sakiko is. She never leaves that house except for work," Yoshiko sighs heavily. From how she looked at it, there was no way those two were going to speak again.

"Well I don't care. I have to see her..to be with her," Yoshiko's attention perks at the sound of Yuki's voice suddenly growing passionate. Was Yoshiko missing something here?

"Then I'll help you. You know, this is the most passionate I've heard you for the past day now," Yoshiko couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. She missed Yuki's energetic persona.

"I'm sure sure misses it too,"

"I hope so,"

There's a quick silence then, where Yuki's wondering if Sakiko does miss her. They weren't together long, but the memories they shared weren't for nothing. Yuki was sure of it. Sakiko couldn't have felt nothing. The most likely subconscious smile Sakiko would put on was noticeable. Sakiko seemed comfortable around Yuki, and she took pride in that. Almost like she was slowly breaking the cold exterior Sakiko had built. Unfortunately, Sakiko noticed that, and severed their bond.

"Anyways loser, You have any ideas?" Yoshiko breaks Yuki from her pondering, wanting to figure out how they're going to execute their plan.

"Well, I'm going to need your help,"

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