He knows..

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I walked into jacks house & he had my stuff packed up. I was starting to get scared..
"Tell me everything that happen last night." Jack says.
I told him everything and he just crossed his arms & than covered his face and sat down.
"Why did you have to do this to me? Honestly this is worser than before. why Vanessa I thought you fucken loved me" he says
"I do Fucken love you, I took drugs last night & that's all I remember." I say
"If you loved me you wouldn't have even did this!" He shouts.
"I stuck with you when you basically cheated on me with Maddison, when you left me at he party that one time to leave with maddison! You say I don't love you than why did I stay with all those times! I do fucking love you! this is my first time doing anything like this shit! " I say back
You can tell he knew I had a point because he just looked at me & didn't say a word.
"Maybe we're not right for each other." He says..
"Yeah maybe we're not.." I say grabbing my stuff and leaving. I told Natasha to wait for me outside because I know this wasn't gonna end well.
as I was leaving I here Jack
"Vanessa wait." He says
"Nevermind Jack, you basically just broke up with me" I say
I looked at him then slammed the door.
Idunno all of this just feels weird.
I got to Natasha's and she asked if I wanted to go out and shopping.
"Uh, yeah sure I guess." I say
"Hey listen if your not up for it you can just tell me, you & Jack been dating for a bit now. I understand the way your feeling." She says
"Yeah.. I still wanna go, it's better than being home thinking about Jack all day." I say
I got ready & we went to the mall for about 1hr
"Wanna go eat than go home ?" Natasha asks.
"So you have a good day?" She asks as we eat.
"Yesh, felt good to have a day away from thinking of Jack." I say
"That's good love, well imma go use the bathroom than we go." She says
She went & I pulled out my phone and checked Twitter. I seen on jacks wall he had tweets about our fight
"@jackgilinsky; We had a fight again guys."
"@jackgilinsky ; I hope we work it out, I mean I do love her, it's just that this fight was a bit mad than other arguments."
I tweeted something too.
"@Vanessaaa_ ; fights,fights & fights. just wanna drop it, I miss him."
In less than 5 mins he favorited it.i seen he tweeted again.
"@JackGilinsky ; I miss her more than anything. This fight has to end soon."
I just got off my phone & seen Natasha coming, she was on the phone with somebody.
"Well we're leaving now, alright bye" she says
"Who's dat?" I ask
"Oh just a friend.." She says
We got up & left the mall into her car.
"So do you think of working it out with Jack ?" She asks
"I mean yeah. It's only been a day & I already miss him." I say
"That's good, because I knew Jack for a while, probably since grade 8, he's a really good guy Vanessa. He obviously loves you & you obviously love him, I didn't mean for you to do the drugs. I just hope you guys make it up, because all of this is basically my fault.. I always make you coming partying with me & it always seems to get out of hand." Natasha says.
"No it's not you fault, your not the one who put the pills in my mouth" I say
We got to her house & when we walked in I see Jack , Taylor & Nate.
I walk in & just look at them & try walk upstairs but Taylor gets me & sits me in a chair across the boys.
"You guys, really need to work this out" Natasha says.
"Yes that's why me & Natasha planned this out." Taylor says.
"I miss you. We should actually work this out." Jack says
We both got up and hugged each other. I started crying & he hugged tighter.
"I'm so, sorry my love." I say to Jack.
We let go and sat down again. I had my sunglasses on
"I'm sorry we kissed at the party.." Nate says.
"It's fine, I was drugged." I say
"Now that, that is clear, can you come home now? I want you home.." Jack says
"Yeah, okay.." I say
"Something wrong?" Taylor Says.
"Why do you have to post in Twitter whenever we have a fight? It brings other people into it who don't need to be.." I tell Jack.
"I'm sorry, I will quit doing that?" He says
"Okay thanks" I say
We both got up & hugged it out
We went back to his house and watched movies until.. 😉😊😫😂

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