Chapter 6

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Brandy kicked at the tire on the red pickup and sighed, the wind rustling her blonde hair gently. She wiped at a stray tear in her eye and hated herself....she should have never let Alex get as close as he did. A tall dark haired man got out of a blue convertible in the space next to them. He studied the painting on Nick's van and smiled when he spotted her.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Brandy shouted.

"You thought you could hide from me?" the man asked, chuckling softly.

"It worked." she scoffed.

"I knew you'd be around here...Carter's van is a dead giveaway. Saw it passing by on the highway." Brandy silently cursed Nick as the man continued.

"Why are you here?" she said, staring hard at him. His black hair fell in his face as he laughed. He was handsome, green eyes and a smile that would make most girls melt. Brandy knew better.

"I missed you so very much. A year is a long time to go without seeing my wife."

"Please, I don't want to do this. Not here." she protested, her brown eyes looking towards the diner. She saw Alex watching her through the window.

"Just come back home and you can have your job back at the station. We will forget all of this happened."

"No, I don't want to work behind a desk the rest of my life. I love being out in the to do as I please." Brandy said, leaning on Nick's van and stuffing her hands into the pockets of her jeans.

"Brandy?" she heard Alex calling her name. He came around the van, looking concerned.

"What is it?" she said softly. Alex looked at her strangely, noticing her tone. She was near tears and looked distressed. Brandy turned like she was about to yell but when Alex looked behind her nobody was there.

"Are you okay?" he asked. All he saw was a blue convertible driving away.

"I will be fine. Let's go inside, I'm hungry." Brandy said, walking past him towards the diner. Alex looked towards the road and followed her in.

"Damn, order half the menu?" Nick commented as he stared at the various plates of food.

"Shut the fuck up." Brandy said, stuffing pancakes in her mouth. Her heart was hurting and she wanted to fill it. Brandy didn't want them to find out about him....and now he was back. She had spent a year running and now had slept with Alex. All Brandy wanted was to study tornadoes on her own free will. She and Nick were doing just fine until Alex came along a few months ago.

"Seriously are you all right? What happened outside?" Alex asked in a concerned tone, sipping at his coffee. Nick looked very uncomfortable and was fidgeting in his seat like a small child.

"Nothing happened. Let's pay and get out of here, the tornadoes aren't going to wait for us!" Brandy said. She kept glancing at the window in case he came back, but Brandy was set on not being here when he did. She hoped to be far away by then.

"Dude something is up." Nick whispered once they all got outside. Brandy got into Alex's truck and sat there, running a hand through her blonde hair.

"I know....she looks upset."

"Maybe you didn't sex her good enough?" Nick joked, making a thrusting motion with his hips and laughing.

"Nick, there is more to women than that." Alex told him.

"Couldn't prove it by me."

"You have never been in love, have you?"

"Can't say that I have. Love is overrated." Nick said as he opened the door to his van and hopped in. Alex shook his head at him and walked to the truck. He got in and turned to Brandy, who was wiping her eyes. Alex had never seen Brandy show any emotions before, let alone cry.

"You want to talk about it?" he offered tentatively as he put on his seat belt.
"No. Don't get all preachy and shit on me because I don't fucking need it right now."

"Why are you so cold to me? Do you hate me or are you just too goddamn proud to let someone in?"

"I'm not arguing with you."

"Brandy, I'm trying to make this work....obviously you have feelings there and might be a bit confused about them. So you push me away..."

"You listen to me. It could never work between us. You don't want someone like have no idea what I have been through in life. It's better if we just stay co workers." she yelled, her eyes watering again.

"That's all I am to you? A co worker? What happened to partners? Friends?" Alex shouted.

"Nick is my friend. Just leave me alone." she replied, facing the window as it began to rain again. Alex shook his head at her, frustrated. All he could think about was getting to know her and finding out what her intentions with him were if there were any at all.

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