Hot for Professor

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In the last chapter: Harry takes his exam at the Ministry for apprenticeship but ends up testing out and right into residency.


"I still can't believe you managed to test out of apprenticeship, and straight into residency." Anthony sighed with a mix of awe and disbelief at his best friend. He'd known that Harry had been studying to start his internship for the upcoming year, only to find out on the express back to Hogwarts, that the testing had gone even better than he'd expected and the sixteen-year-old would soon be working on his mastery to become a healer. After over five years of friendship, and Harry still managed to amaze him with every talent and accomplishment he revealed to them.

If he were a lesser man, he might have even been envious of the raw talent and power Harry seemed to exude.

However, Anthony just felt proud.

"Trust me, I can hardly believe it either. Honestly, I think I was just very lucky to have found such a rare ailment in my test patient and was able to show off enough to catch their attention." Harry sighed and leaned his shoulder into Anthony's. "I can't help but feel like they put far too much faith in my capabilities, and that I'm going to go into this residency and make a complete fool of myself! I won't have the time and experience that any of the other residents will have, what if I make a mistake and it costs someone their life, Tony?" Harry exclaimed dramatically, leaning his head on Anthony's shoulder and looping their arms together. Anthony found it adorable how Harry would get when it was just the two of them and he didn't feel shy about acting ridiculous or self-deprecating.

Anthony, for his part, was just thankful that whatever feelings beyond friendship that he had harbored for Harry had calmed considerably since their fourth year and he could offer his friend physical comfort without feeling like his face would catch on fire and his heart would pound out of his chest. He still believed that he and Harry had the kind of bond that came once in a lifetime, and they would remain friends far beyond death's door. But things had gotten a lot less confusing and complicated with time. With each day that passed, Anthony's love transformed into platonic love, and he couldn't help but feel like the bond and emotions that came along with it were far deeper and more permanent than what he'd felt before.

Though, that didn't mean he wasn't still weak for his friend's ethereal beauty and enigmatic charisma. Especially recently as Harry's soft delicate features seemed to sharpen and refine, and he's grown comfortably into his skin, long limbs and pointy elbows filling out gracefully into the lithe frame of a dancer. Harry had expressed earlier on the train ride that he was finally going to pursue Tom with all of his effort, and Anthony couldn't help but both pity and admire the man who would bear the full weight of Harry's advances. It didn't matter that said man was once a Dark Lord and could probably level the Ministry with the snap of his fingers—Harry would eat him alive.

"Don't sell yourself short, Harry. You're wise beyond your years and you're probably the most intelligent person I've ever met. You'll knock all the other residents out of the water. And try to give them a little more credit, this will still be a period of learning and they won't just leave you on your own to treat patients. You'll have professionals there to help you and keep you from making any big mistakes." Anthony reached his other hand across his chest in order to pet the top of Harry's head, soothing him as if he were a child because he knew it would annoy and comfort the other in equal measures. Just as he expected, Harry allowed it for a few moments before batting his hand away while Anthony chuckled.

"You wouldn't have been able to do much during your internship anyways. My dad is in the medical industry as well and even helps run a clinic in London, remember? A lot of interns end up getting sent there since it's less intense than St. Mungo's and most of them end up spending their internship getting coffee for the staff and observing the medi-witches and wizards heal minor bumps and scrapes, and dole out potions. You'd be bored out of your mind before your first shift was even over." He assured as his friend released his arm and straightened up in his seat before the odd position grew too uncomfortable.

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