Jonathan Cain

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                                                          -Intro music plays-

Audience: *Cheering*

Saotome: HELLOOOOO!!! & welcome to the 3rd episode of 'Know the true facts of your "Favorite Idols" (Journey/STARISH Edition)'.

Otori: Yes, & I know all of you are thrilled for this whole series!! Now, please welcome our host...

Otori, Saotome: MR. TYPO!!!

Audience: *Cheering*

Mr. Typo: Hey! What's up, y'all!? We have another special guest to introduce today. Please welcome... *Spins the wheel* Mr. Jonathan Cain of Journey!

Audience: *Cheering*

Jonathan: *Blows a kiss then waves hello* *Takes his seat*

Mr. Typo: Ok, then. Now Mr. Jonathan, do you mind if I share a few facts about you?

Jonathan: Yeah, why not?

Mr. Typo: Jonathan-

Jonathan: Is a magical keyboardist. Yes!

Mr. Typo: That's what I thought.

Jonathan: I knew it!

Audience: *Gasps then cheers*

Aynsley: Say what? M-Mr. Typo, he's a magical pianist!?

Mr. Typo: Yes, he really is. Take a look at this. *Projects a picture of Jonathan as magical pianist*

Ross: *Gay gasps*

Neal: Woah, cool.

Aynsley: Oh my god, that is totally amazing! Jonathan, why didn't you tell me!?

Gregg: Or me!?

Steve S.: Or the rest of us???

Jonathan: Secret.

Steve P.: Eh?

Mr. Typo: Anyways, moving on. Jonathan, made the song 'Open Arms' since 1981.

Audience: Ooh!

Jonathan: Yes, I did.

Otoya: Oh, so he was the one who made that song.

Masato: Really? I didn't know

Syo: Me neither.

Mr. Typo: Jonathan... Got married to lollipop face, which is Ruby Kurosawa of Aqours.

Audience: Whoo!

Jonathan: Wait. Mr. Typo, it's better if you don't call my fiancee a  lollipop face, & no, we are not married yet. We just got engaged.

Mr. Typo: If not, then what's this then? *Projects a picture of Ruby as the bride, & Jonathan as the groom.*

Audience: *Fanboying/Fangirling*

Steve P.: Ha. Now I see that he wrote 'Faithfully' for Ruby, & now suddenly got married? Yeah, right.

Jonathan: *Smug* I suppose that was just a dream wedding.

Cecil: I don't think it's possible for an anime girl, & a real man to fall in love. Right?

Tokiya: Yeah.

Natsuki: Dayou ne. I agree.

Ross: That's obviously not true.

Ren: Eh? What do you mean?

Ross: I mean seriously. What could possibly go wrong for a real human, & an anime person to fall in love?

Tokiya: I don't know. Maybe some personal relationships?

Mr. Typo: Up next! Jonathan, created the 1981 album, which is the Escape album. *Projects the Escape album*

Audience: Ooh~!

Neal: W-What!?

Jonathan: Wait. No, no, no, no, no, that wasn't me. I think it was... Jim Welt. *Blushes*

Gregg: Oh my god, you did that?

Gregg, Neal: Oh my GOD!!!

Jonathan: No, that ain't true.

Masato: Err, that looks like a cracking orb.

Cecil: Looks like a brain to me.

Mr. Typo: Now you all know, Jonathan Cain is a magical keyboardist who made the song 'Open Arms' since 1981, got married to Ruby Kurosawa, & created the Escape album!

Audience: *Cheering*

Jonathan: *Smiles, & blushes harder* But wait! There's something I need to tell you about the- Aww man, he's gone.

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