why did you call me ?

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That dark and crude night was a rollercoaster ride of emotions for Man.
      Day end meeting of Man's organs

Heart: ( sweat drops on the forehead and panting ) I am so tired from the racing I can no longer move, but why do I still have to beat when I am this tired. You are so lucky Mr.face.

Face: Which idiot told you that I am lucky. I am being tired of changing frequently from pale to normal. Lemme take a rest.

            But unfortunately, Man's friends didn't hear their sad discussion and they blasted a new happy bomb which made Mr.face who was numb from the fright to force himself to get pink.
            What made Man the happiest was the fact that his friends had a helpful mind (And also that he could take away a bit of their time to get lovey-dovey ). Even if it will not work he won't be sad cause it's not like it was his first time to get heartbroken ( the one in the corner crying is not Man ).
               He gave them a happy yet silly smile which emitted positive energy that lightened up the mood and minds of everyone there.
                      Pete smacked his head (for pretty much no reason but as a greeting) like he always does. Everything was back to normal but the moment felt somewhat special for everyone. The afterglow of a proposal, the happiness of having your friends near you, and the feeling when your kids grow up spreading everywhere.
         Everyone sat down forming a close circle, they started chatting and discussing the further plans to get Man dating. When Boss's phone ringed. He didn't move a bit but just sat there comfortably and shushed the others. But no one cares as they continued their blabbering. But this didn't discourage the loudspeaker Boss for a bit, who took an even louder sound to answer the call.
        " Yeah, Sarawat, what's it? "
" Nope,...... Okay. Anything for my brother. We are on the mission of babysitting. "
                    " Okay bye "
After cutting the call he just shouted to his friends, " guys .... "
After a few more calls he successfully attained the audience's attention"guys we've got to go pick up someone. But we will be back soon. "
       The disappointment was written over Man's face as he said, " Mr.Boss, for your kind attention, this is midnight and who leaves their house at midnight. And FYI "we" is not the same as "I". You should say, -I've got to go pick up someone-  not we've got to go."
Boss went near Man as he said, "What  I said was right, cause you and I are gonna go pick up someone at this midnight for helping our friend Sarawat. "

Just as he said he swept up Man, pushed him out of the door while calling out " bye guys, and wait for us. "


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