IV Pikachu's P.O.V

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"Then Professor I am sending you back: Glaceon, Espeon, Sylveon, and Meganium. In return, I want Mightyena, Houndoom, Noctowl, and Polteageist." Ash told Professor Oak, as he put the Poke Balls in the device.

Ever since his talk with Lance he has been able to calm down. If him confessing about Lucario had taken a weight, or ten, off his back, Lance's explanation has settled him.
He, no, we, finally know what was going on with him. Not only his emotions have been able to settle and find some harmony. Our worries have calmed down as well. Not only his pokemon's but his friends and his family's worry as well.

"Betting on type advantage once more," Professor Oak commented with a smile, as he proceeded with the transfer. "By the way, congratulations on your pokemon passing the Pokemon Nurse Certification process."

"Highest marks and all!" Ash beamed, as my heart warmed with pride at my sister's accomplishment. "But you should tell her that. It's all on her... and you Professor. You should have told me much earlier that you were training her to be the healer of the family."

"Sorry my boy, I forgot." The Professor chuckled sheepishly, as he rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.

"Ah," Ash sighed, chuckling amusedly.

I still could not believe that this old man had once been the Indigo League Champion... and that we had defeated him! Even if he only lowered tier Elite Four now. I can't believe how much we improved during these last few months.

"So... aren't you betting a little too much on type advantage? It's not really your style." The Professor commented.

"No, it isn't," Ash replied. "Until now it was mostly a coincidence. I had promised Bulbasaur the first gym, which he ended up having a type of advantage against. As for Frogadier, he needed that last push to evolve. As I already had two with advantage, I decided to make it three by adding Honedge. For Gardenia I've decided to go with the newest members, that all of them has a type of advantage or were of equal standing against grass was a coincidence as well."

"However, not this time." Professor Oak thought out loud.

"No..." Ash sighed. "I don't know how to handle ghosts Professor. I need every advantage I can get and Polteageist there so I can get advice on how to train them from Fantina. I can do make with Honedge as I feel that she is mostly more steel than a ghost... but a pure ghost. I talked to Lance, who talked with Cynthia, who promised me to make sure Fantina would be there for the established date for both gym battle and ghost training lesson."

"Good for you. Most complaints that come from trainers on the Sinnoh circuit is that Fantina is all the time traveling and it's hard to find her at the gym." Professor Oak chuckled. "Good use of your contacts."

"Moo, Professor." Ash moaned embarrassed, making Jolteon, Pupitar, and I laugh. "By the way, I've already sent you the information collected from our visit at the Amber Castle."

"Yes, thank you! What a great discovery!" Professor Oak exclaimed, eyes shining with childlike excitement. "The mythical Amber Castle truly exists! Who would have thought that all you needed to find it was a Mothim?!"

"Yeah, yeah, great Professor. Thank you for sending me my pokemon... and would you look at that. Someone is calling me. Sorry I have to go, bye-bye." Ash said rapidly, making sure to end up the call before Professor Oak would start one of his infamous rants. Or worse, start reciting pokemon poetry. I shuddered at the possibility. "I'm with you Pikachu," Ash said, as he shuddered as well.

Another proof of how close our bond is. We can know what's going on in the other's head most of the time.

I tilted my head towards the door of the Pokemon Center, as I picked out Dawn's approaching steps. But she was not on her own... Zoey was with her!

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