IV Gary's P.O.V

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I grabbed Ash's hand under the table, holding it throughout the meeting. I still can't believe they are allowing two 15 years-old-boys join a war council of all things.

I might be only here for healing and assisting from the distance, like Reggie, but Ash and Riley are joining the attack in Kanto.

My hold grew tighter at the reminder of where Ash will be.

This is it, we are ending Team Rocket today and freeing Ore once and for all. It is kind of unbelievable that after today everything will be done with. Team Rocket has been a part of Kanto since way before I've been born... it will be strange.

"It is strange," Ash echoed my thoughts, making everyone pause in the room and turn to him. "To reach this point there's been years of hard work and loss, yet today, in one battle, everything will be done, for better... or for worse. Isn't that weird?"

"It is," Lance answered, smiling proudly at Ash, not that it changed the fact that the atmosphere in the room was somber and tense.

Soon everyone broke apart and huddled in smaller groups. Ash talked with his Kanto and Sinnoh Team for a while before returning to my side. Reggie and Riley huddled together, close to us, looking quite cozy woth each other's presence.

"Look at that, who would have thought?" Ash turned to me with a conspiratorial smile.

"I certainly did not see it coming," I answered, following his game. "But I am sure you did, empath Aura Guardian." I got a cheeky smirk in return, before his expression turned serious and he leaned forward to kiss me. Something I've been waiting for years, yet I did something I never thought I would do... I stopped him. "Do not kiss me if you mean it as a goodbye, because you are doming back. I deserve better than to have our first kiss be one out of fear."

"You do," his lips were millimeters away from mine, brushing slightly with each word spoken. "Which is why I am kissing you, to know what's waiting for me when I get back."

"Good," I whispered and closed the distance.

The kiss was slow and tender, we took our time to know each other's lips and forget the rush and madness surrounding us. I kissed him with everything I've got and he poured his whole into the kiss.

"For many to come," Ash whispered, pressing our foreheads together.

"For many to come," I echoed, as I watched him disappear with his Ghost Teams.

"He's gonna be ok, he's coming back," my Gramps said, but I do not know who he was trying to convince me or himself. "He is taking with him a strong team, Pikachu, Charizard, Pidgeot, Espeon, Sceptile, Tyranitar, Snorlax, Slowbro, and Slowking. Not to mention, he left Meganium with us, to help with the healing."

"He's gonna be ok, he's coming back," I repeated those words like a mantra for the following hours, as more pokemon and trainers came and went bruised and bloodied.

Meganium stayed by my side as rangers rushed from one side to the other, giving out orders and commands. It was pure chaos, but an organized one if that made any sense. That did not stop me from freezing whenever a black bag made its way through the room. A chiling fear overcame me and I had to lean on Meganium for support.

Was it Ash in that bag? One of his pokemon? But I knew that everyone would know if it had something to do with The Saint, so I slapped myself to focus and went back to work.

That is until Utau came bursting through the doors with Charizard hot on her heels and a bloody Ash in his arms.

I froze.

I could see and hear the world moving around me, but I couldn't move... could not breath. I saw Meganium rushing forward by the corner of my eye.

"...ry, Gary!" I was startled awake by my Gramps. I turned to look at him stunned. "You are shaking," he told me worriedly. I had not noticed. "I... I can't lose him Gramps," I stuttered, tears gathering in my eyes.

"Good thing he only got shot in the leg," Gramps told me with a gentle smile.


"A bullet got diviated by a pokemon's move while defending themselves and hit Ash in the leg. He lost blood and we are having the bullet removed, but he'll be fine. You don't have to worry." Gramps assured me. "It is done."

"It's over?" I asked him in disbelief.

"It is, the champions and their teams will be staying in Ore for the next couple of months to aid them get back on their feet and guide Tobias on his new role as Champion. They'll leave the Elite Four in charge of their regions. There's still the issue of forming a Pokemon League fro scratch in a small amount of time." Gramps explained. "The money earned from The Saint Festival and various other worldwide donations will be used to help Ore."

"You are right, he'll be fine," I murmured, reassuring myself. "I need to see him."

"And I need ro call the champions, they'll want to be kept posted now that they won't be able to stop byand check on Ash themselves," he told me with a kind smile and a pat on my cheek.

I slowly waled towards Ash's room and entered, not knowing... more likely, not trusting that Gramps was saying the truth. Luckily, Ash was laying on the medical bed, smiling with his pokemon, who were surrounding him protectively.

Before I knew it I was walking forward and slapping him, then I kissed him, to then slap him again and give him another kiss.

"Maybe I should get shot more if this is my reward," Ash joked.

"Don't!" I yelled alongside his pokemon.

Sometimes I do not know how I could love am idiot like him, but Arceus do I love him with all my heart.

Going forward and beyond {Path of the Aura Ranger: Book I}Where stories live. Discover now