~Lark has Joined the Game~

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These characters and events belong to those of the Dream smp. I am simply recording and updating the plot a tad. I am not trying to make money off of this, this is purely for ideas and entertainment for myself during these harsh, summer months. Therefore, I hope you enjoy my writing and my display of the characters and if you're reading this for a deeper dive into the dream smp, don't take this completely seriously and at least watch the creator's videos. They are a lot of fun. So, without further ado, I hope you enjoy the story!

Lark fell, not so gracefully out of the sky, a backpack and a few gadgets falling down with her. She trembled and pushed herself up, seeing a large town square in front of her. She picked up her belongings, wondering where she was. Just as she slipped on a fancy watch, a blonde boy with a red bandana around his neck ran toward her, pickaxe in hand. She looked at him quizzically and waited till he stood huffing and puffing in front of her.

"How.." He coughed.

"Huh?" She asked, bending over to check if he was okay.

"How..old are..you?" he managed to get out.

"Fourteen." Lark responded.

"Huh?" The boy stopped panting and looked up at her excitedly.

"Fooouuurrrrtttteeeennn." She said slowly.

"YES!" The boy started jumping around in celebration.

"I don't-"

"This calls for a Disc Dance!!!" He said, pressing a button on a watch he had, "Tubbo, get over here!!"

"What?" a staticy british accent asked from inside the watch.

"COME ON!" The blonde boy yelled.

"Tommy, I'm with Ranboo. Whatever war you've started I don't want to-"

"Bring him too, we've got a new person." He looked at Lark solemnly and frowned.

"Fine." The boy pressed a button quickly and the voice ceased.

"I'll have to go get everyone else now too. Ugh. Why do I have to do all the work?" The boy ran in the opposite direction of Lark and started to disappear down a long street.

"Well then.." Lark said to the empty street.

"Tommy, we're here." Lark turned around and saw a boy with fluffy brown hair and scattered freckles. Standing beside him was a tall monster with half of it's skin white and the other half black. It wore a crown and had long horns that stood at attention over it's narrow face. Lark tumbled away from the creature and it looked down at her.

"Oh...Hi!" The creature squatted down and reached out a dark hand.

The brunette finished tying his shoe and looked at the situation with a concerned face. He raised his eyebrows in surprise and walked over to the creature.

"Ranboo, introduce yourself, she's scared because she doesn't know.." The brunette whispered into the creature's ear.

"Ohhhhhhhhh, I'm Ranboo, half enderman, half..." Ranboo looked in the direction of the boy and shrugged.

"He's fine, just a little different looking." The boy chuckled.

"Oh..Nice to meet you...Ranboo." Lark took Ranboo's hand with a smile and let him help her up.

"Where are we-"

"Tubbo!" The blonde boy returned with a giant amount of people behind him. Lark felt her hands shake rapidly and looked around.

"Oh hello! I'm Niki, welcome to The Dream SMP!" A girl with blonde hair said politely, extending her hand for Lark to shake. She took it and shook it quickly, the shiver causing her hands to be numb. Two men stood behind everyone else, one with what looked like a pig skull strapped onto his face and one with long curly hair draped over his left eye. The curly-haired man twirled a pickaxe in his hands and stared intently at Lark, breaking when a loud commotion ensued.

"Oh no..it's Dream.." Niki said solemnly, adjusting a button on her blue uniform.

A man appeared with an ominous mask draped over his face. It had a smiley face on it and Lark couldn't see the man's face behind it.

"And...Bad-who's this?" The man who Lark assumed was Dream put his hands in his hoodie pockets and looked at her expectantly.

"Well, I'm-"

"Lark, level 75, has never beat the game but her mining, cooking, and slaying skills are off the charts." A creature in a black hood stated as if he was reading something.

"And?" Dream asked impatiently.

"Sorry, there's just no former record of her streaming stats, she's just your average pro off the street." Dream's mask curled into a thinking face and he crossed his arms.

"L'manberg's taking her." Everyone turned around to see the man with the curly hair stare back at them thoughtfully.

"Wilbur, need I remind you again that this is my server?" Dream's mask pulled into a scowl and he turned in the direction of the curly-haired man named Wilbur.

"L'manberg needs more soldiers and...plus, you got the last one. I'd like our armies to be even." Wilbur said in a grim tone.

"Yeah come on Dream!" The blonde boy cheered, but the glares of the people around him made him stop quickly.

"Fine, but as the rules state, anyone under 15 needs a guardian who's over that age, and that guardian needs to be licensed or the player is forfeited to the Dream Team." Dream looked at Lark.

"'The Dream Team' do you even fucking hear yourself? First, you name your sword Nightmare, and now this bullshit." Wilbur scoffed.

"Just..find her a guardian, and she's on your side."


"And, nice meeting you Lark." Dream said finally, throwing a pearl away in a swift movement and disappearing.

The whole lot of them stared at Wilbur in confusion.


"You know what. What other member?"

"I don't know. Remember when we were building the walls? There was this kid who shot me." Wilbur shrugged.

The blonde boy named Tommy stomped towards Wilbur and pressed on, "Well, what'd he look like?"

"Right then...You were Lark, right? Let me just show you how to use your tech." Niki blocked the arguing crowd and grabbed Lark's arm.

"This," she held the watch gently, "Is how you locate and chat with all the players. As you can see, We're in a public call with everyone." Niki motioned to the crowd.

"But if you press this button.." she pointed to a button and pressed it. A holographic screen appeared and Niki scrolled down it. "These are all the calls. We have private ones where you can just hang out by yourself, and then there are the general ones where you can talk to everyone. And then, if you just want to talk to one person, you can call them like this.."

Niki pressed a button on the screen that had a phone icon on it and a list of names showed up. She pressed one and a ringing sound started playing from her watch.

"Ohhh, so that's how the blonde guy called Tubbo here." Lark said in relief.

"That's Tommy, he's Tubbo's best friend. If you ask me, Tommy's a tad on the obnoxious side." Niki pressed the same button on Lark's watch and the screen disappeared.


"But don't worry, they're all good people, they just don't like showing that side." She said, smiling brightly.

Lark nodded and turned to the scheming crowd. She wondered and hoped that she'd fit in here, but she was filled with a long chilly note down her back. As much as she wished this place was good and all was well, she felt a bad feeling gradually cloud her judgment.

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