Baked Potatoes, Bees, and Bouncing.

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Lark woke to the smell of something truly amazing. Food. She sat up straight and looked around, wiping the drool off of her face. A rough tongue licked her face and she looked to see a tiny, crimson fluffball. The baby fox crawled onto her lap with ease and she smiled.

"Oh! Looks like you've found Fungi!" Niki stood in the doorway holding a whisk caked with some sort of batter. She wore a stained apron over her uniform, minus the coat. Her hair was tied into a ponytail and her face had flour smudges on it.

"More like he found me." Lark said, picking up the tiny creature and standing up.

"I started baking for the day, if you want you can take a Donut out from the back. I'll sit down and eat with you once I put the bread in the oven." Niki said, closing the door behind her.

Lark nodded and set Fungi down. Her uniform sat on the floor next to her makeshift bed. She grabbed the shirt and pants and put them on. They were incredibly loose so she took a belt from the pile and tightened the pants around her waist. She shoved the shirt into the pants and stared at herself in a mirror Niki had. Lark's curly, white hair hung messily over her face. Her giant glasses made her look like a human-size bug. She tied the red ribbon around her neck and smiled. She was in her fresh, new uniform and she felt like she could spit fire. She slipped her coat on and left the room promptly. 

She went into the kitchen and grabbed a donut with chocolate dripped all over it. It had sprinkles scattered on it and she brought it to a small table next to the counter. Niki definitely knew her way around the kitchen. She had two furnaces and whilst stirring a whipped cream, she threw pieces of coal in each of them. Lark wanted to ask her how she regulated the heat for each one, but she also didn't want to disturb Niki. She seemed like she was chilling out and finally taking a breath after all the chaos. What chaos could cause such a sweet person to be stressed though?

Niki set the bowl down and slid a tray of uncooked bread into the top furnace, "All done!"

"What kind of donu-" She turned and looked at Lark, covering her mouth and squealing.

"What's wrong? Did you burn your finger or something?" Lark asked, polishing off the last of her donut.

"I'm fine you're just so.." She kept squealing and Lark thought she was trying to summon an evil spirit.

"You look so cute in the uniform!!!" She finally got out, covering her mouth and blushing.

"Oh..thanks. You look nice in yours too."

"You're going to kill me with your wholesomeness. But thank you." She smiled and grabbed a donut of her own.

"This isn't really linked up with our conversation, but you were really cold yesterday. Like your hand was super cold." Niki sat at the table and took a bite of her donut. She looked at Lark quizzically.

"Oh um...When I'm in the presence of negative emotions, I start getting really cold. And the feeling doesn't stop until the recipient goes back to being happy again. I don't know much about it, but I do know how to spot the emotions. And plus, if someone's stressed out or frustrated, it's only an uncomfortable shiver, but when someone is breaking down or acting manic, I start actually freezing." Lark looked at the floor as she spoke.

"This might be rude, but who did you sense the negative emotions from?"

"Wilbur...and the guy with the pig mask..but mostly Wilbur." Lark met Niki's eyeline and noticed a confused look on her face.

"Will doesn't get mad that must've been Techno then." She smiled like she really wanted to end the conversation.

"Oh..okay." Lark said hesitantly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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