A WIP I'll never finish.

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She got the jist that tubbo was listening and spoke, "I have some great news for you!"

'What's so great that it deserves to interrupt me eating?'

"You're going to a school!"

'She said it like it was the bestest thing in the world, like really? Come on, everyone treats me like It was an average morning for tubbo. He jot up, got ready and had breakfast with 200 other kids. He lived in an orphanage but he wasn't necessarily an orphan. Something happened and his dad was in jail. Since he didn't have any known family to take care of him, he got sent to an orphanage. His dad was offered for him (tubbo) to be in foster care, but he refused. Saying "the system is sh!t."

I also forgot to mention that tubbo is a selective mute, Or well he thinks. He forgot how to talk, so he thinks he mute? He is not really sure...

"Hello Toby."

Tubbo looked up and sawa baby and I don't want to talk! I'm pretty sure that talking is a big part of school.'

He grabs a pen and a piece of paper, and as best he could wrote, "ok but why? Homeschooling has been fine for the past 2 years."

"Tubbo, we think it's the best course of action currently. And be happy! You might make some friends!"

She left after she told tubbo what was going to happen. They were gonna go to a store to shop for school supplies and that he was going to middle school. He was pretty bummed the rest of the day but felt a bit better after they let everyone outside. He got to sit with the bees and the day ended alright.

The next day




I lazily turn, more of a slap, my alarm clock off. I realized what day it was and what I had to do. I get up and look in my wardrobe. There wasn't much that I brought, but something special caught my eye. It was my dad's blue hoodie. I remember the one time I wore it. The second I went to show my dad, I tripped on the stairs. I brought it for comfort but I can wear it. I slip the hoodie and and finish up getting ready.

Instead of Miss Kesha, I get Lilly. Well the people say to call her Miss Lilly but she liked to be called Lilly. We head to one of the cars, and we head to the store. It was a pretty interesting store with a lot of very nice clothes. Since I was starting school two months after it started, there weren't a lot of choices for a backpack. I look deep into the isle and find a black backpack with sunflower embroidery on it. I fell in love with this one so I took it and showed Lilly. "Wow! That's a really good choice." For some reason, I felt good about what she said...Why?

Nevermind that, We choose the rest of the school supplies and head to check out. The lady looked at me weird when she checked out the backpack. "Are you getting this for your sister?" She asks. I shook my head no and Lilly butted in and said, "No ma'am we're getting his for him." The lady looked at Lilly and then me weirdly. She looked disappointed after she heard that... I wonder why.

We're in the car and we take a turn that gets us into a shop parking lot. 'Wait, I thought we're going home?' She opens the door to me and I sign her a "what are we doing?" (I forgot to mention he knows sign language-)

We're in the store now and I'm told to go choose some new clothes. She told me wanted me to look nice for my first day of school. Great, someone else is babying me. And I thought she was pretty cool. I go to the sweaters and as I'm looking I hear a loud thud behind me. I turn around and see a kid with blond hair, white skin, and a tee shirt with red sleeves, on the ground with a rack of clothes on him. I couldn't help but to get annoyed. Can parents take decent care of their kids? Just then a man, with...bird wings? Came and picked the blonde boy up. I guess I was staring a bit to long, cus after he helped the boy, he looked at me and said "Are ya good mate?"

I snap out of thought, and quickly shake my head, addressing no. I quickly grabbed the hoodie I want and ran to the checkout. Wait was it bad that I Ran? Well I can't undo my action. As I waited in line I felt something about to grab my shoulder so I quickly turned around and it was the birdman. I'm getting annoyed now. What do they want? He looks at me concerned, like I just witnessed a murder or somthing. And shouldn't he be taking care of that blonde boy who fell? Just leave me alone.

I went back to buy the hoodie and I started walking back to the car. I saw Lilly so I knew it was ok. The bird man left me alone after that, but I couldn't shake the feeling I was being watched.

The day went on pretty normally. I got back and listened to some of the older kids read outloud and went to sleep. I forgot to have dinner so the rest of the night I was hungry. I ignored it though.





I wake up like I do everyday but today was different.

I thought about how I would communicate with the other classmates as I brushed my teeth. I got down and I had a to-go-breakfast and 10 bucks for lunch. I'm almost done eating my crossing covered in honey when we got to the school. Lilly gave me a list and directions on where to go and how to check in. I nodded and left the car. I noticed after I left the car and started walking that everything was louder than it should be. I walked down the hallway and it felt that everyone was looking though I saw no eyes staring. I knew I was a bit late so I quickly found my class. I noticed a bunch of older people as I walked further to my class. I didn't really know why, so I brushed it off. I entered the classroom and shuttled the door.


I notice a bunch of older people stare at me. I'm in the wrong classroom. A wave of panic comes over me, drowning my thoughts.

After a minute of silence, the one in a green hoodie spoke, "hey, uh you ok?"

I snapped out of my shocked and-

Thats where i stopped :] 1160 words + confusing timelines :]

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