a smol little bean

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Jimin lay on the waiting room chairs his black and white converses propped up. He was blowing a tissue with his mouth waiting for his name to be called for his appointment. And of course people were looking at him, they were in a room full of pregnant women. Most of them shocked to hear about a pregnant boy even more a teen. Mrs. Park got the memo and silently hit his leg for him to sit up and he did.

Jimin sat up and crossed his arms noticing a little girl glaring at him. Mrs. Park gave a fake smile to the little girl who was still glaring at him sticking out her tongue at Jimin. The teen stuck his tongue at her and the girl's mother gave Jimin a look.

"Jimin let it go" Mrs. Park said patting his thigh to stop messing with the girl given the look her mother was giving them.

"She started it" Jimin complained sitting back in his seat while paying the hem of his shirt.

"Park Jimin" The front desk woman called and the mother and son stood up ready to go. Mrs. Park followed behind her son towards the back of the clinic where the nurse took his weight, temp, and height before leading him to the room. Jimin made himself comfortable while waiting for the doctor to arrive.

Around ten minutes later a blonde doctor closed the door before greeting them with a smile."So I hear that you are expecting, congratulations"

"thank you" Jimin said politely fumbling with his hands.

"My name is Dr. Jung, and I'm going to be your obgyn throughout your pregnancy, I specialize with teens so you can be as comfortable as you want Jimin... Now that we got that out the way, I just want to get a few questions out of the way" She finished grabbing a clipboard off the counter.

"When was the last time you can engaged in sexual intercourse?"

"December... 31st" Jimin replied his cheeks heated up just remembering that night.

"Did you guys use protection?"

"About that.." Jimin started with a nervous smile and his mother glared at him already knowing the answer. The doctor seemed to already know the answer as well since she wrote something down on her clipboard.

"Any tenderness anywhere?"

"Well my, you know what are starting to hurt" Jimin said pointing at his chest and his mother chuckled.

"Thats normal, your body is preparing for you to breastfeed" The doctor laughing at Jimin's words.

"Any concerns?"

"You know with like school and stuff when will I start showing?" Jimin asked nervously playing with his shirt hem again.

"I'd say for since you weigh on the smaller side the earliest will be three and a half months. Don't worry I will fax some information to your school nurse" Dr. Jung explained and Jimin nodded his head looking over at his mother who was taking in all of this.

"Alright Jimin we're gonna get you set up for the ultrasound. Just lay down, lift your shirt above your stomach and pull your pants below your hips" The doctor said turning her equipment on for the ultrasound. The teen followed her directions rubbing his nearly unnoticeable belly waiting for her to get started.

Jimin hissed at the cold gel being squirted on his stomach. Dr. Jung turned on the traducer before placing it on his belly. The two looked over at the monitor. Jimin smiled at the image appearing on the screen. "Right there is your baby, you can see the head, feet Such a cute little bean"

Mrs. Park smiled softly while wiping away some tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. The teen smiled before gulping to himself feeling all the emotions listening to the heartbeat. It really hit me, I was pregnant. There's a tiny little human growing inside of me. I'm 16 there is no way I can do this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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