Chapter 2

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You woke the next day and went down to breakfast, it was early and not many students were around, yet you felt like you were being watched. You were right when you had reached the bottom of the stair and walked toward the great hall. Severus had just reached the top of the stairs from the dungeons and watched you, hidden in the dark. He noticed how you moved and how your hair moved slightly when you walked. He wanted to run his fingers through his hair and tug at it, but immediately he reprimanded himself, he should not fall for you, however, he could not get the feeling of possession over you.

When you walked into the great hall, looking back at him, he was worried you could see him, however, you did not and carried on to the tables. Meanwhile, Severus walked down another corridor to enter at the back entrance of the hall and entered, sitting down in his usual spot and taking some food. His eyes narrowed as he looked at the students, hating them all. His mind wandered toward Lily as he savoured the taste of his coffee, hating the day to come. He looked over at you, seeing as you nibbled your food.

You meanwhile noticed the eyes on you and looked over at the man who sat four seats away from you, your eyes met and you smiled at him, moving your plate to sit next to him.

"Good morning Severus" you said, smiling at him.

Severus grunted slightly, sipping his coffee and the cup quickly refilling with the warm liquid.

"How long have you been teaching?" you asked, trying to make a conversation.

"five years" Severus said bluntly.

"awesome" you mused, taking another bite of your food. "You must know Hogwarts inside and out"

"You could say that'' Severus mused. "But I knew it when I was a student" Severus thought back to hiding from James and the Marauders in little alcoves and even the room of requirement.

"Oh you were a student here?" you asked.

"Obviously" Severus mused.

"I was homeschooled" you said, smiling. "It means I have no friends, but I was taught grandfather Nicholas Flamel so I think that was an upside"

"Is that so?" Severus asked, slightly interested.

"Yeah" you answered. "Everyone is surprised when I tell them, but my last name is Flamel"

"Intriguing" Severus mused. "You must know a lot about chemistry then"

"A little" you said, "I never really picked it up, but I did pick up defence against the dark arts and care for magical creatures"

"Is that so?" he asked.

"Yes" you said. "I love looking after all different things"

Severus' mind whirred, you seemed not only beautiful but also caring which made him wonder how submissive you could be for him. Severus shook his head slightly, his hair slightly moving as he tried not to think about it.

After a pause you started speaking again "However I can never do legitimus" you mused.

"Is that so?" Severus asked, suddenly interested again.

"Yeah" you mused. "I don't know" you shrugged. "But I can teach it"

"I am sure you can" Severus mused. "A clever magician such as yourself would be able to"

You giggled slightly, flustered with the praise. "Oh I am not sure about that" you murmured, tailing off slightly. "Anyway, I am excited to teach" you said. "It has always been my dream"

"You mentioned" Severus murmured.

"Oh I am sorry" you said, "I do like to ramble" you said, closing your mouth and feeling awkward. Severus sighed, not wanting your voice to stop, loving how you spoke, it made him feel safe and warm, reminding him of his mother and the only happy times he had with her, if you could even call them happy.

"Anyway" you said standing, "I had better go to get my resources ready for teaching" you said. "Bye bye"

Severus nodded and watched as you tucked your chair under the table and walked out of the great hall. Severus sighed, you had reminded him of his awful day, the first period being the first years. He huffed, how apt. Severus stood himself, going to the back door and leaving, taking the quickest route to the dungeon; he had two minutes now of quiet time before annoying little children invaded his classroom.

I will possess your heart // Severus Snape x readerWhere stories live. Discover now