Law Enforcement Family: J. Daniel Atlas

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"I said we're done talking about it!" Your dad burst through his office doors to get away from you. Clearly you had upset him but you weren't done talking about it yet.

"Just listen to me, Dad! You don't have to like my decisions, I just need you to know it's my decision," desperately you ran after him.

"Y/N M/N L/N," he called your full name,  he was mad, "if you think I'm letting you drop out of the academy you're dead wrong! Now, you made a commitment when you started and dammit you're going to finish it!"

You couldn't believe him. "I only agreed to go because you made me! You told me 'Just give it a try! If it's not a good fit then we'll cross that bridge...' blah blah blah!" You cried mockingly.

"Yeah, and now I'm saying 'tough shit'! You're going to suck it up and keep on truckin', young lady! Am I making myself clear?" You couldn't believe how irrational your dad was being, angrily you stomped off through the station away from him. He didn't even bother calling after you or stopping you, that's how you knew he was just as mad as you were.

Finally, you rounded a corner and let your anger out. Yelling and kicking the walls and even crying a little-- or a lot. He wanted you to be exactly like him and you just weren't. You weren't your dad...

"Families, am I right?" Your head shot up to see an opened door to the interrogation room, inside sat a man cuffed to the table. He sat in a blue sweater and jeans with long scruffy hair and intriguing eyes.  You quickly wipes your tears and shrugged.

"How do you know its a family issue?" You questioned.

"Well, it's not hard to guess. My dad calls me 'young lady all the time," he mocked.

You smiled and stepped in, "What're you in for," taking the seat across from him with your hands in your jacket pockets.

"Burglary; I stole $3.2 million from a bank in Paris while I stood on a stage in Vegas," he sarcastically stated.

Sensing the tone, you nodded acting impressed, "How'd you do that?"

The stranger waved his hands in the air, "Magic." You laughed at his satire. "J. Daniel Alas," he reached out to shake your hand. You stood and extended yours when he jumped up and threw off his cuffs right around your wrists.

You yanked an the chains, but they were locked tight. Stunned, you starred down Atlas almost not believing what had just happened. He walked around to your side of the table and sat on the wooden surface beside you, smirking. "I think maybe your dad is wrong about you," he affirmed and you furrowed your eyebrows at him. "You really shouldn't be a cop."

"Funny, " you light-heartedly laughed, "now let me out of these and I'll show you how a policeman fights a dirtbag."

Atlas took a sharp inhale, "Ouch, really burned me, L/N." He scribbled something on a piece of paper and got in your personal space. His face was inches away from yours and it caused a warm tingley feeling to rise up your spine. He was looking at you with dark, hungry eyes. Suddenly you couldn't put it past him to steal $3.2 million from another country, he certainly looked like the type of guy to get whatever he wanted.

He slipped the paper into your hands and backed away from you giving you breathing space again. You exhaled loudly, and watched as he walked out the doorway but not before winking at you. Then he was gone. You looked at the paper in your hands and read out a phone number and the words "call me". Even though you had definitely just been humiliated, you smiled to yourself. "J. Daniel Atlas..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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