Chapter Two

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I opened my eyes to see a.. beach? A deserted one with a lot of woods.. Where am I? Damn my leg hurts.. What is going on? Last thing I remember was being on the plane.. Niall was worried about the plane... OH. MY. GOD. The freakin plane crashed!!!! Niall was right.. Maybe we should've listened to the little blonde.. Wait a minute! Where is the little blonde and the other lads?! I looked next to me, and saw Zayn passed out.. at least I hope he was only passed out.. No.. God damn it don't be dead!! I tried to stand up, but my leg hurt like a bitch. Could this get any worse?!


Harry? I looked behind me to see Harry running towards me, his clothes torn up, and his face scratched up. He approached me, and kneeled down though it looked really painful.

"I found Niall, and Liam.. are you alright?"

"I'm fine! It's Zayn I'm worried about. Check on him for me? My bloody leg hurts like a bitch."

Harry turned to Zayn who had a big cut across his forehead, his hair matted with blood, and his shirt disheveled. If this is what Zayn and Harry look like I don't wanna know how I look.. Yea, that's the thing to think about right now Louis. If my arm didn't hurt I'd slap myself. Focus, you bloody idiot. Harry leaned over Zayn, and checked his pulse. Please be alive.. please..

"He's alive!"

Thank god!!

"Awesome! Wake him up!"



I looked around hoping to find an answer... hmm.. hey a sea shell.. wow I have major add.. WAIT! He could use the shell as a bowl, get some water from the ocean, and pour it on Zayn! Brilliant, I am brilliant. Add and conceited. Fantastic.

"Haz! Get that shell over there!"

"Wha.. why? Do you want me to hit him in the face with it?!"

"No you bloody idiot I want you to fill it up with water and pour it on him!"

"Ohhhh! No need for the insult!"

I couldn't help but smirk. He glared at me playfully before getting the shell and filling it with water.

"Good now pour it over his head. Hopefully he'll wake up."

He mumbled "hopefully" under his breath then poured the water over Zayn's head. Thankfully he started coughing, and his eyes were fluttering. That's when Niall, and Liam walked over. Zayn sat up,  groaning, and rubbing his eyes.

"What happened?"

"The freakin plane crashed! I told you something wasn't right!! I freakin told you!! Nobody fucking listens to me! We should've just stayed in London!!"

"Nialler! Calm down!"

Does he really think no one listens to him? Well, he's wrong.

"I will not calm down! I have a massive headache, my clothes are disheveled, my new shoes are ruined, my arm is bleeding and you want me to calm down?! I told you guys something didn't feel right, and did you listen?! No, you said "Oh everything will be okay. The pilots know what they're doing." Well OBVIOUSLY they didn't know what they were doing! You are all bloody idiots for believing that!"

With that Niall stormed off leaving us all dumbfounded. He's never been that angry before.. I looked around me at the boys. They all had shocked faces, except for Liam. He looked sad... guilty.. Oh yea. He was the one that told Niall everything would be fine. Aw poor lad.

"I'm gonna go after him."

Before we could answer Zayn stood up, quite easily, and took off in the direction Niall went. I guess you could say he went in One direction. Haha. I'm funny. Okay, seriously Louis? Shut the hell up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2013 ⏰

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