954 20 7

*Please come back and listen to the song at the end of the chapter*

I start gasping after catching up to Dabi. He's faster than I anticipated.

He got a head start down the alley, and I struggled a bit to catch up with him.

"Dabi, just because I said 'fuck it' doesn't mean you can just sprint down here. My legs have trouble taking me far," I sigh, looking up. He looks down at me, meeting my eyes. 

The more we progress, the darker it gets, and the darker it gets, the harder it is to see what's in front of us. I start to slow down, indicating that Dabi should too, and he does. 

We now walk at a slow pace, being cautious as we carry on down the dark alleyway. The voices we once heard stopped a while ago but now they are picking back up again. 

One voice is low and more masculine and the other is a bit pitchy. They talk back and forth, and on occasion, another voice pops into the conversation here and there. I can't really pick out what they are talking about, so I slowly inch closer feeling around me to make sure I'm not gonna run into anything. I keep my left hand on a wall and my right down by side. 

I come to the edge of the wall where I'm assuming a turn must be, and I grab Dabi's arm pulling him closer to me so we can both look down the continuation of the alley together.

A tiny light flickers at the end of the passage. It almost looks like a small cigarette lighter. Another light turns on and flashes on somebody's face. It looks like somebody turned on their phone. 

I strain my eyes to try and identify the face, but I cannot tell who it is from here. My vision is a little bit blurry.

"Can you tell who that is? Can you recognize their face?" I ask Dabi, my voice just below a whisper. My tone so quiet, I'm not even sure if Dabi could hear me. 

He leans forward slightly and stays silent for a moment before answering me. 

"I think it's... the bartender," he answers, his voice raspy, and I can tell he struggles to get his voice so low and quiet. I hum in response. 

"Okay, then let's go." I bend down and rub my sore ankles before pulling off both of my heels. I hand them to Dabi making him hold them for me. "Here." 

I stand up and adjust my dress, taking a deep breath. I start forward, my heart skipping a beat. 

"Hey," I call out to the small group of three. The bartender turns his phone's flashlight on and shines it in my face. I shield my eyes from the bright light. 

"Oh Y/n, I'm sorry," the bartender says. 

"You know this bitch, Suzuki?" I look over to the man with the low voice. Me? The bitch? This man looks like a stud. 

"Hey, don't call her that," Dabi growls from behind me. 

"Whatever. Anyways what the hell do want?" The man with the deep voice questions, crossing his arms. 

"We need to get to the back staircase. You know, the one to the roof?" I say, cracking my neck as I crane it to the side. 

"Well, you came to the right alley. It just so happens the door is right behind us," The stud slurs. His voice makes me wanna snap his neck.

"No duh. Do you think we just came down here in hopes the door was just... here? We know this place probably just as well as you do," Dabi utters. I can tell he's getting pissed off and annoyed. He ruffles his hair before sliding his hands into his pockets.  

"Okay well, I wish you both good luck with whatever you're going to do up there," The bartender, Suzuki, says. 

"Oh- before we head up, did anyone else come down this way? Like maybe a blonde girl or a boy with long black hair?" I ask, placing my hands behind my back. 

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