774 17 16

When Yukki left, I ended up falling asleep. I didn't notice Dabi come into the room while I was passed out. I actually slept well considering everything that's been going on. 

I open my eyes and lift my head off of my pillow. My cheek aches from laying on it, and I squint my eyes from the evening sun peeking in through the window. 

"Finally, you're awake." I look over to see Dabi on his phone, he looks at me through the corner of his eye. 

"Get out," I groan, letting my head fall back on the pillow. 

"Oh come on, Princess," Dabi slurs, dropping his phone and sliding over so he's right next to me. I flip over onto my back and turn my head to look over at him. He tilts his head to the side before climbing in between my legs. He looks down at me, supporting his weight with his arms. 

"Dabi, don't give me this shit. I was hoping I wouldn't have to deal with you today," I sigh, a bit frustrated. 

"Oh c'mon-" Dabi starts, bringing his lips just inches away from mine. "-you're depressed and you need a stress reliever. Let it all out on me, Baby. That's what I'm here for." 

"Dabi, you're just causing me more stress," I respond, shifting uncomfortably beneath him. 

"Let me at least give you a kiss." I roll my eyes, clenching my jaw.

"No," I utter. I'm clearly agitated, aren't I? He needs to leave me alone. He needs to just leave.

"Come on, Y/n. Just one?" He pleads, brushing his thumb over my bottom lip. 

I grab his chin and meet his eyes. Maybe this'll make me forget. 

Our lips connect and I can hear Dabi take in a sharp breath. I caught him off guard, he wasn't expecting this. Our tongues collide, and a feeling of guilt makes my heart race. It's not the adrenaline nor is it Dabi's touch, but the thought of me cheating. 

Normally I can push that thought out of my head; yeah it's a horrible thing to do, but I can't help my needs and my wants. I pull away, pushing at Dabi's chest, signaling for him to get off of me. 

"What is it?" He asks, getting off of me and sitting up. 

"I just need a cigarette. You got any?" I sit up as well, maybe a little too fast as I can feel a mild headache coming on. 

"Yeah, in my room. Want me to get them?" Dabi answers and I rub my hands up and down my arms, nodding my head. 

Dabi slides off of the bed as I plant my feet on the ground, standing up with him. He motions for me to follow him and I do as he says, following him out the door and down the hallway. 

Dabi turns the knob to his room and the scent of him fills my nostrils: cigarettes and mint. 

"They're in my bathroom. You can come in if you want," Dabi says, looking back at me. I walk into his room. 

"I don't understand why you keep it so dark in here," I complain, walking over to sit on his bed. I pull my legs up ad cross them. Dabi walks into his bathroom and pulls open a few drawers, rummaging through them. He then pulls out a 20 pack and an orange lighter. He slams the drawer shut walking over to me. 

"Here." Dabi sticks out the pack of cigarettes, and I take one, placing it on my bottom lip. Dabi takes one for himself and shoves the rest of them into his pant pocket. He takes the lighter and lights his cigarette before handing me the lighter, and I do the same. 

"You're fine with us just smoking in your room like this?" I question as smoke escapes my mouth. Dabi nods, sitting down on the bed next to me. He rests his arms on his legs and runs his free hand through his knotted hair.

 As a loud silence fills the room, it's a bit awkward. I break it, asking a question.

"So, do you... have another mission tomorrow?" I ask, tapping my cigarette on my knee. 

"Yeah, actually we have a mission tomorrow," he states. I look at him, confused.


"Yes, we. I'm taking you on the mission tomorrow. Don't worry you'll like it. There'll be kids there you can talk to," Dabi explains, and a small smile forms on my face. 

"how young of kids?" I question, looking over at Dabi. 

"I don't know. Probably some of all ages." Dabi shrugs, and I bring my cigarette back up to my mouth. 

I stay quiet for a few seconds, mustering up the courage to ask a question.

"Dabi, can I ask you something?" I hesitate, bringing my eyes down to the ground. 

"Yeah, of course, Y/n. What's up?" I take a deep breath, coughing a bit afterward. 

"What would happen right now... if I said I wanted to leave?" 

Sorry for the short chapter. Chapters might not be out on time in the next few weeks because I'm traveling. Thanks for the support! 

- Abid Rayne :)

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