Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey guys! Welcome to my new story with the one and only Axl Rose! The story takes place in L.A from the late 80's (1987) to the early- mid 90's!

If there is one thing I hate about my job, it's waiting for artists to show up for meetings.

Every day the stack of paperwork and legal agreements gets taller and broader, and my boss, David Geffen, would rather have me sit and twiddle my thumbs as the next potential talent walks into my office than make it smaller. Meanwhile, booking an assistant would prove better use of my time.

I was one of the artist managers at Geffen Records and have quickly gotten the reputation of the maker or breaker of success for bands. I am not cutthroat by any means, but I tried to paint as realistic a picture for artists as possible. If I thought a band had a chance, I'd sign them and say that, but I offer no guarantees. If not, then they leave my office, and another prospect walks in.

"Reed. We need to talk.'' David Geffen never asked if you could talk; he just struts in the room and expects everyone to oblige. Since I enjoy my job, I do just this, clearing some space on my already cluttered desk for another manila folder.

"New talent. Guns N' Roses. Their debut, Appetite For Destruction, is coming out in just a few weeks. Axl Rose, their lead singer, is on his way in here. You need to use every trick in your book to have them sign here. Understand? After all, if you don't sign them, then I'm sure your termination is something you can understand."

I was taken aback, "They can't be that good!" Geffen handed me a CD. Turns out they were that good; the riffs and Axls delivery was intriguing. I was surprised they didn't already have a label. I'd have to ask Axl about that once he came in.

I opened the folder Geffen gave me and skimmed through what information was there about the members and current chart data. I looked at a photo that presumably was Axl. He donned a bandana that held his chest-length hair back, a pair of cheap sunglasses on top. He was gorgeous, and I completely understood their sudden spike in popularity. Axl Rose then strutted in, like he owned my office.

"Mr. Rose, Fallon Reed. Nice to meet you; thank you for fitting this into your schedule." I put my hand out to shake Axl's; he grips it firmly and flashes me a grin. "Very nice to meet you too, Mrs. Reed, and please, call me Axl." Axl looked just like the picture in the folder, even more attractive in person; his blue eyes shined against the rest of his complexion.

"Axl, I just got finished listening to the album. I really like it, but I don't know how well it will perform- the market is really saturated right now. I can tell you that there is something special about this record, and I have no doubt it will sell millions. That may take some time, and I understand if you are hesitant to sign with Geffen, but I am also surprised you don't have a label already." Axl grinned, and I couldn't help but return it; it was infectious.

"We don't have a label because we have not gotten as many offers as you're assuming. We only have one other major label offer from Chrysalis,  but they want complete artistic control. We'd rather have full control than a label.'' Axl spoke with a surprising level of eloquence.

"We can guarantee that you guys will have full creative freedom, every artist we sign does." I shifted my body towards him, so I could also get a better look at Axl. I could practically see the gears in Axl's head turning. That was not the only reason- to be fair, I spend most of my time with Geffen, so eye candy is rare.

"Mrs. Reed, I like what you're saying, and I will definitely tell the guys. You'll hear from me sooner than later about this." With that, Axl stood up, shook my hand, and left. The band decided to sign with us a few days later. I also met the rest of the band, who all seemed really sweet. I immediately sprung into action, pushing their single, Mr. Brownstone, to start getting played more on the radio. The band released another single before being signed, and that also began to climb the charts. Thankfully, things were looking promising for the album release.


A few months have since passed, and the album has all but directly bombed. This was a complete shock. Geffen has been coming into my office for days, telling me he wants to drop them. It's stressing me out, as I have been using every favor I have to try and get anything GNR related on radio and tv. I keep getting messages from MTV about being scared to play the "Welcome to the Jungle" video, but I have managed to secure a single spot. It's at one in the morning, but it's better than nothing.

As a result, I also now have a pissed-off upcoming rockstar on my ass. I was rudely interrupted from my paperwork stack with my door slamming open. I assumed it was Geffen, but even this door slam was too aggressive for him.

"Can I help-"

"Listen up, motherfucker!" The distinctive voice of Axl Rose graciously filled my eardrums. I signed, moving my stack aside. "This label is a goddamn joke! 200,000 in six months! You promised millions! I'm done with this shit!" He stormed out just as fast as he came in.

"Axl!" I run after him trying my best to run through these office cubicles in my stilettos. "You don't even know half of what I've done for your band! I'm calling in all my favors just to get a single slot of airplay! I'm the only one that believes in you!" I shout after him. Geffen places an arm in front of me to stop me from going after Axl.

A few minutes later, Geffen and I are standing in front of the water cooler. "I have tried to do everything for this band, and Axl just doesn't seem to care. I'm over it. He's just another boy with a band from L.A. We can just sign another." Geffen nods, going back into his office.

"I'm from Indiana, in case you wanted to know. To think I was going to apologize, too." Axl scoffs from behind me. I can feel my face turn as white as a sheet. "Axl, reconsider. You know 'Roses would not have gotten this far without the help of not only myself, but with Fallon also." Geffen steps out of his office, putting his hand on Axl's shoulder.

Axl looks at him incredulously. "You also agreed that Guns N' Roses are just another L.A. band. Why should we reconsider if you really think we're disposable?" Axl steps back, forcing Geffen to drop his arm. "It was something I said in the heat of the moment, Axl. For that, I apologize. You will also be filled with regret if you decide to walk away now." I plead with Axl, trying to discern the emotion in those baby blue eyes.

"I will still uphold the promise I made to you all some months ago when I first signed you." I continue. "You will because I want you to come on the road with us, as our manager." Axl looks at both Geffen and me.

Now it was my turn to share the incredulous look.

"She'll do it on the condition you stay signed." Geffen has apparently made the decision for me. Axl nods his head and follows Geffen to his office to finalize that on paper. I return to my office, immediately letting out a groan loud enough to get a few heads turned my way. I much prefer to stay in the cool and calm area that is my office.

I am also even more pissed that this decision was made for me and that the next few months will be everything but predictable. I will also be confined on a bus with a man that completely despises every fiber of my being.

My internal pity party was cut short when the man of the hour, Axl Rose, came once again in my office, a smirk on his face with papers in hand. I signed where needed, mustering the energy I had left to remain professional.

"Mrs. Reed, I am going to make your life a living hell."

"I will take you down with me, Mr. Rose."

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