The Last Dragon Shifter Panics!

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In celebration of Amazon Prime Video's newest series Panic, I am thrilled to be teaming up with Amazon Prime Video and Wattpad to write this exclusive chapter that puts my characters from this story into the world of Panic!

I hope this chapter intrigues and inspires you to learn more about Panic. Visit the #PanicWritingContest on Wattpad for the chance to put your creative writing chops to the test and learn more about the show!

To find out more about the contest, prizes, and how to enter, check out the #PanicWritingContest here:

Don't forget to watch the series premiere on May 28th, only on Amazon Prime Video, here:


Studying the elegant building before her, Naomi wondered what mysteries awaited inside. Designed with gleaming, sienna marble, The Museum of Magical Antiquities (often nicknamed MOMA) was a national treasure. Boasting wings dedicated from everything to historical archives to emerging, modern-day artists, the elaborate structure took up several substantial blocks of Patria's busy downtown district. Luckily for Naomi, she and her other classmates were about to embark on an extensive tour of the facilities. However, not all of her companions held her level of enthusiasm. 

"I can already feel the boredom setting in," Sam drawled next to her, adding in a yawn for emphasis.

With Naomi, Lark, and Malcolm all in the same World History class, Figgis and Sam had joined them on their school trip. While the trip wasn't mandatory, students that attended and wrote up a report would receive extra credit. Frankly, Naomi couldn't imagine the day without Sam's sarcasm or Figgis's ready comebacks.

"Drop the barbaric act, Sam," Figgis jumped in, perfectly on cue. "Last weekend you dragged me here to see the new Hawkian scripts exhibit."

Next to Figgis, Malcolm's attention switched from the museum's front doors to glaring at Sam. "When I brought up the history of the Hawkian people and how the MOMA had obtained the griffon tribe's old texts, you pretended to fall asleep. I was personally affronted at you snoozing on your own ancestry, but now..."

While Sam blushed at being exposed, Mr. Fortley whistled loudly to corral the students. He and Ms. Grant were the trip chaperones and had taken to the task with gusto.

"Now everyone, I know you're either bursting with excitement or planning your escape, but we are using the buddy system today," Ms. Grant spoke up once Mr. Fortley gained everyone's attention. "We want you to stay together in pairs as we explore. And don't be afraid to take copious, insightful notes!"

At Ms. Grant's instructions, Lark looped her arm through Naomi's. "I know you guys are like a muscly trifecta with Prince Charming as your epicenter, but I'm pulling the roomie card."

"Fine by me," Naomi smiled back. Lark joining them barely garnered a reaction from the others. Figgis and Sam kept bickering while Malcolm hurried up the steps, mentioning seeing the Hawkian scripts for himself.

With their teachers leading the way, the students filed into the lobby. The entryway shined with sparkling clean floors and reflective cases full of interesting antiques. On their way in, the front desk attendant outfitted each of them with visitor wristbands. Even though Naomi had no doubt Ms. Grant could handle the tour herself, a bubbly tour guide waved eagerly at the group of students.

"Why hello there, esteemed Legacy guests. Are you ready to become history buffs?" the cheerful girl, who couldn't be much older than the students themselves, held a tone of both exuberant cheer and slight patronization. Nevertheless, this didn't dissuade the teachers from effusing their thanks at their tour guide, Chrisette, taking the time to show them around.

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