Chill day - Part 3

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Zeke and Y/n chuckled as they got up, walked to the field and split up into teams. "Lets play!"

Everyone had ran around the field chasing a ball, while also trying not to get hurt as the ground was slowly starting to become more slippery every second, due to the rain that was getting heavier. Y/n and Pieck both stopped next to each other to catch their breath and watch their friends "Hey Piecky!" "Hey N/n!" "Having fun?" "Yeah but I think I might go sit under the shade. My legs are sore and I've had enough of getting hit with little droplets of rain. Besides, we still have to get lunch so we best not get too wet." "Good idea. Let me join you." "Sure. I'll just tell the oth-" "HEY GUYS! ME AND PIECK ARE GONNA TAKE A BREAK! OK?" "OK!" "-ers. That works too I guess." Y/n grabbed Piecks hand and started to walk back to the area all their belongings were at. "Come on!" She laughed which had caused Y/n to turn around and look at their friend. At that very moment the world seemed to slow down and it was only them, walking in the rain, hand in hand, laughing. Y/n stopped dead in their tracks and listened to Piecks laugh. "Such a kind and beautiful laugh." They had been reminded of an old friend.

They remembered a time when they were dragging their old friend through the rain, hand in hand with her complaining as she was getting wet. All because she didn't want to leave the house since she was sad. ""Y/nnnnnn. Why did you drag me out here? It's raining." "Well because the rain is beautiful. And because you're sad. I know you like the rain just as much as me." "Aw Y/n! You're so cute!" "Yeah. Yeah. Whatever. Let's go get ice cream!" She giggled as she allowed her h/c haired friend to drag her to the closest ice cream shop." "Beautiful." "What was that N/n?" "Huh? Oh nothing." They snapped out of their trance as they remembered Pieck had said her legs hurt. "Hey your legs hurt right? Jump on!" They leaned down and Pieck smiled before climbing onto their back. Standing back up they heard the same laugh that made their heart beat slightly increase, before the sound of their black haired friends voice was right next to their ear causing the hair on their neck to rise. "Thank you Y/n. You're a good friend."

Ignoring the feeling of something fluttering in their stomach, thinking they were just hungry and needed to rest, they responded with confidence to hide it. "Of course I am!" Pieck giggled once more before she settled her head on their shoulder as they both walked past their new friend group, watching how they all played together. Surprisingly Reiner and Porco were teaming up on Zeke and Marcel while Yelena had a laughing Falco on her shoulders. Gabi, Udo, Zofia and Colt were chugging their water and having a small break as they made sure to not sit on the now wet grass. Piecks ears piqued up at the sound of Y/ns' voice and the smirk that accompanied it. "So much for not getting wet huh?" She smiled as she felt a weird feeling in her stomach. She shrugged it off thinking she was just hungry and replied to her friend. "I knew we would end up playing in the rain, so I brought towels for everyone." "Really? How did I not notice that. I literally brought the bags over with Yelena." "I just hid them that well." Y/n leaned forward a little so they could take their hand of Piecks thigh to mess up her wet black hair as they responded. "Perhaps so Piecky."

They made it back to the shade and grabbed two towels out to dry themselves off as best they could before starting up a new conversation. "Where we going to eat?" "I don't know. Reiner was in charge of that. Honestly, he'll probably just take the kids to Mcdonald's and us to Subway." "Subway has got good cookies though." "You're right." Pieck and Y/n had finished drying themselves by the time everyone has had come back. The black haired girl moved to sit next to Yelena and Y/n. "I'm hungry." "I'm taking the kids to Mcdonald's then we'll go to subway." Y/ns' eyes widened as they looked at Pieck, who had already been looking at them with a smirk on her face. "You little shit. How'd you know?" "I'm just amazing like that." They rolled their eyes before giving her a gentle smile. "So Y/n!" They look at Marcel as he spoke to them. "I didn't know you were good at football!" "Oh! Haha I don't think I'm all that good. I used to play it with some old friends." Falco put his orange juice down and looked at Y/n with a massive smile on his face. "So are you staying then?!" "Staying? Staying where?" "Staying friends with us! You're so cool and tall. And you can beat Reiner in football." "He sucks." "I DO NOT!" Everyone laughed as Y/n gave Reiner a look as if to say "Sorry!" He smiled and hoped they were staying. "I'll stay, ONLY!" They paused for dramatic effect before continuing. "If you all want me to."

Pieck/Yelena x Gender Neutral Reader Where stories live. Discover now