Chill day - Final Part

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Right now, in this very moment, are two people slowly falling for each other, but neither of them know it.

Y/n's eyes followed a droplet of water as it slid down Piecks face and onto her lips. "Stop looking at her lips Y/n." They looked up again to see their black haired friend staring at them. Neither of them noticed that she still had her hand on their cheek. Pieck was deep in thought while staring down at her friend. "I don't want to move. But why? Is it Y/n? Why do I feel so weird yet so comfortable? What is this feeling? Maybe I need food. We should really get going.  But....I don't want to leave." Y/n snapped out of their trance and spoke, breaking the comfortable silence. "Piecky? Are you alright? Did I hurt you when I tackled you?" It took Pieck a few seconds to reply causing Y/n to be more worried, but not worried enough to move. "I'm ok. Are you ok?" They grinned as they heard her answer. "I'm ok! But we should really get going huh? I dunno how long we've been out in the rain playing tag but I'm sure it's long enough to annoy the others." "Oh right! We gotta go!" Y/n slowly started to stand up and took their arm off Piecks' back only to feel someone staring at them. They paused and looked up at her.

"Yelena's here." "What?" "Yelena's here. Probably because we're taking so long." "Why is she staring at us like that?" They put their arm back on Piecks back and flipped her before pulling her back up with them. "Come on!" "Woah! How'd you do that?!" Y/n smiled as they answered their friend. "Perks of being part god." "Oh yeahhhh." Pieck looked to the side and noticed Y/n was indeed right and Yelena was standing there glaring at them. "Strange." "Hey Yel!" "Pieck. Y/n." She took a deep breath, almost as if she was calming herself and continued. "Where have you two been?! What's taking you so long?!" The two looked at each other before looking back at their tall friend with a sheepish smile on both of their faces. "Uh, you see." "Uh. About that." They both answered at the same time, surprising Yelena. "We got distracted and ran around in the rain playing tag. We don't know how long it's been." "And we're cold." "What they said." She sighed before throwing their towels at them causing Y/n to put Pieck down. "Hurry up and get dry. We need to meet the others at the mall. I'm taking this back to the car while you two get ready. Do you need anything from it?" "Nope." "No." "Good." Yelena grabbed the bags and started to walk away before Y/n joined her. It was quiet as they walked closer and closer to the car.

"Yelena?" "Y/n." "Are you alright? I felt you staring at us but it felt strange." "What do you mean?" "It felt like....Jealousy." "Jealousy? Hold on. You know the exact person who's staring at you? And their emotions?" "So you were jealous!" "We'll get to that in a minute. Now answer my questions." "Yeah I guess I can in a way? It takes a lot of energy since I'm still learning. But this time it didn't. Actually I feel fine. Maybe just hungry." "That's kinda cool actually." "Woah! The great Yelena thinks one of my gifts is cool! I am so honoured!" "Oh shut up and help me." Y/n bent down and picked the bags up with ease before putting them in the car and continuing with their talk. "So. You were jealous, huh?" "Fuck." "Do you like Pieck?" "No. Yes. But not like that. You see, Pieck and I have been friends for a long time and I get worried about her. She's been hurt quite a few times now and all of a sudden you come into our lives and somehow fix everything." "Fix everything? What does she mean?" "I can tell she's taken a liking to you. And I suppose I was 'jealous' because.....I- ah this is difficult." "Take your time." "I'm afraid you'll take her away from me." Y/n stopped dead in their tracks as they heard what Yelena had said. "What?" "I-I'm afraid you'll take Pieck away from me." Yelena had also stopped and looked at her friend who stared at them with an expression she can't quite explain.

"She stuttered." "Why?" They spoke so quietly that Yelena had to strain her ears to hear what they said. "Why? Because- I.....I don't really have an answer for you right now. But let's get back to Pieck. She's probably getting worried about how long it's taking us." "She's lying." "Ok! Just like how you were worried about how long it was taking us! Meet you there!" Y/n ran off to Pieck while Yelena casually walked as she thought back to the conversation they just had. "Damn. How did they do that? I've never told anyone that before. And how fast they switched from serious to 'normal'. Do they know that I was lying to them?" "Yelena! You're almost as wet as us now! Here, use my towel it's drier than Y/ns'" Pieck threw her the towel as the blonde haired girl looked up and made eye contact with her h/c haired friend. They looked at her with kindness and comfort and Yelena found it strange at how well they can do that. "As strange as it is. It's kind of nice." "Let's go. Pieck. Who do you want to ride with? Me or Y/n? Since we can't leave my car here." "How did you get here then?" "I stole Reiners car." "Fair." "I'll go with Y/n!" "Alright. Don't take too long. And make sure to give them the right directions." "Fine." "Hold on! Yelena! YELENA! COME BACK HERE! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT HUH?! IS SHE GOING TO SEND ME SOMEWHERE DIFFERENT! YELENA!"

Pieck/Yelena x Gender Neutral Reader Where stories live. Discover now