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At work, I somehow kept meeting his eyes. It was driving me insane! To the point where I escaped to the restroom and began to bang my head against the wall. "I don't feel this way! What's wrong with me?" I spoke. The thought of having feelings for him was engulfing my head, and I couldn't focus on anything else. I looked at myself in the mirror and began to slap my face. "Don't be an idiot, Arthur!" I spoke, slapping my face around. "Don't! Be! An! Idiot!-.."

"Arthur?! What are you doing?!" A voice spoke. I jumped in my place and turned my head quickly. Alfred was standing at the door, shocked, and rushed to me. "Oh my god, your face, what did you do?" He asked worriedly. I watched him as he checked my face and moved away. "I'm not a child, you don't need to worry so much," I spoke. It must have taken him aback because he looked at me, shocked. My face softened, and I breathed out. "I'm sorry.... I guess I'm a little stressed out right now," I answered. He nodded in an understanding way and finally snapped his fingers.

"How about at lunch you tell me all about it! I'll take you to this nice diner down the street! Besides, I have to talk to you about something, and I figure that the restroom is not the best place for that," he laughed. I began to laugh too and nod "yeah, I guess you are right about that," I spoke. Alfred and I both walked out of the restroom and I noticed Francis from a distance. He stared at the two of us leave the room, and we caught each other's eyes. His brow was lifted and I tried to look away from him. I hope he doesn't get the wrong idea about this.


I shouldn't care what he thinks! What's wrong with me?

When it was lunchtime, I walked with Alfred to that place he spoke to me about. I thought about how I really avoided Francis a lot today when I knew I shouldn't have. I felt as if I were to talk to him, I would get nervous, and I couldn't have that. 

"So, what was happening with you in the restroom?" Alfred asked. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him with a straight face. "Oh!.... I guess I was losing my mind about something," I began. He looked at me to continue, and I didn't know what to say. Should I tell him? I guess it would be easier not to mention names. "Well... I think I might like someone, but I'm sure they don't feel the same way... it's really complicated," I tried to explain.

I followed him into a building, and we took a seat at a booth near the door. "You? Like someone? Oh wow! Tell me about her!" He began to laugh. However, the laugh was a bit off.... as if disappointed. "Well, I'd rather not," I spoke nervously. He looked at me, confused, and I breathed out deeply. "It's just confusing because I'm not sure if I really do feel this way or if it's superficial...." I spoke. I felt a little sad, and then he suddenly grabbed my hand.

I looked at it, shocked, and looked at him. Alfred was serious, and he began to look around. "I know we haven't eaten yet, but I think we should talk privately," he began. I looked at him, confused, and he suddenly pulled me out of the booth. He guided me to the side of the building out of the view of people, and he looked down. "What's wrong?" I asked, confused.

"Arthur...... who is the person you talked about?" He asked. I looked at him, confused, and avoided answering. "I can't tell you...." I said nervously. Maybe it was a bad idea to tell him about it. Alfred suddenly looked at me and pulled me in for a hug. It was a weird hug, and he held me tightly. "Alfred..?" I asked, confused.

"I like you..." he suddenly spoke. I gasped in shock and tried to act like I wasn't a little suspicious about it. "Oh wow," I spoke. Who could have foreseen this? Certainly not me.... me, the person he kissed while he was drunk but somehow forgot. "It's true; I've been interested in you for a while," he added. What do I even do in this situation? "I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way," I answered.

He nodded and shrugged. "I know you don't... I think I have an idea who you have feelings for, though," he laughed awkwardly. I looked at him, confused, and he smiled at me. "Don't second guess yourself! Before you know it, your chance is gone. Just tell him how you feel," he spoke. My eyes widened and I opened my mouth, shocked. "I never said they were a he...." I spoke nervously. How does he know? Was it that obvious?

"You didn't need to tell me he was... I can read the air... for the most part," he chuckled. "What if he doesn't feel the same way?" I asked nervously. Alfred shrugged his shoulders and looked up at the sky. "I am not too sure, but oh well, right? As long as you were honest with yourself and told him? Plus, I'm here if you ever need me," he smiled. I nodded in response and smiled back at him. I was so scared to say anything! How would I even do that?

"You should tell him ASAP, though!"
"Yeah! Do it right now!"
"No butts!!!! Just do it!" He cheered me on. I nodded nervously and began to fix my hair. "Right now, right now?" I clarified, and he nodded. "Yes! Go already!" He laughed. I nodded nervously and looked around. "Oh shit, okay then! I'll go!" I spoke. God! What was I doing? I grabbed his shoulders and looked at him "thank you so much! I'm just gonna go..." I laughed, leaving back to work.

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