Baiting A Spider

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Tanjiro stared at the demon, hes never seen this one before it must have been a new lower moon. The lower moons kept being killed by the demon slayers and he knew personally how angry his father got after they died, he no longer held any high expections for the lower moons. Tanjiro wondered if he should just leave the moon and let him continue to kill or slay him however he would need to look injured if he did, they wouldnt believe that someone so young could take on a lower moon and survive with barely a scratch.

It seemed that the moon didnt reconised him either which meant he wouldnt be found as a traitor. It was very quiet. It seemed that the other slayers had perished, not surprising though but what do you expect? They were just extras thinking they were going to be special. At least they were helpful in feeding the demons. Soon they will be another forgotten face lost in a losting battle.

Tanjiro smirked at the moon, "so father has replaced another one of his moons, you lower moons never seem to last long but thats to be expected when you're so weak"

He tilted his head at tanjiro and narrowed his spider like eyes "who are you and how do you know master"

"aww dad never told you about me?" Smirked tanjiro "i guess because your so replaceable he doesnt bother anymore"

"how dare you insult me, I'll slice you up and send your remains in a box to your father!" he glared

"oh! I wouldnt do that if i was you unless you want to be tortured for eternity"

"but i highly doupt you could actually injure me"

"i would choose your words carefully because they are going to be your last!" stated the lower moon

"hmm well if you did manage to kill me it will be your last, father hates it when im hurt"

Pulling out his Katana, tanjiro began getting ready to form 2 Raging sun,  unleashing two horizontal slashes  hitting the lower moon, Across his chest and causing him to stumble backwards into a tree. This angered the moon. Tanjiro smirked "i knew this would be an easy fight but i didnt realise you were too weak to actually fight back"

"father is really losing his touch if he keeps producing weak demons like you"

The lower moon raised his hands, small almost invisable strings attached to his fingers reflected in the moonlight. Pulling on the strings he sent out a weak attempt of an attack easily dodging tanjiro began to run towards the moon to finish him however before he could peform his breath a noise came from his left and suddenly he was shoved to the ground. His sword was knocked out his hands and fell towards the demon.

Looking up at the fool who decided to shove him out the way. Oh it was the idiot from final selection, wow he honestly expect him to die from his first mission. I guess the lower moon could have a final meal before he dies.

"why did you do that"  yelled tanjiro pretendingnto be angry at the slayer. " i could have finished him" pointing towards the demon, he had yet to learn the name of.

"hahaha as if you could defeat a lower moon,your just a child"

"and your just a stupid idiot who thinks the world revolves around you"

"if you think your better then me go ahead" shoving the slayer off him and towards the demon, tanjiro stepped back to watch the slaughter about to happen

In the sorrow of death most see the deep blackness of sadness and mourning but death has become another normal for me seeing the dripping red crimson slowly dripping out forming a puddle as it slowly expands accross the snowy floor leaving once pure land now a sinister place of death and despair.

He knew the foolish slayer wouldnt be able to defeat the lower moon but it was a lovely show to watch, he stared at the sliced up body before turning to the moon

"that was fun to watch, but now its time for me to leave"

"as much as i would love to kill you this fool made me drop my sword, so I'll let you live for now"

"i hope when we meet again you will be able to get me a good fight"

Walking away from the lower moon tanjiro walked towards the edge of the forest, oh hes going to need a new sword. He frowned at realisation, more time wasted he thought as he would need to wait for his new sword to be made.  "i guess i can go and look for demon slayer hidouts and stay there for a while, i might be able to get some new information for father while im off duty"

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