meeting the moons

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Akaza didn't know what to expect when he was summoned to the fortress, but didn't expect to be meeting an baby with bright red eyes. As akaza looked closer at the child he realized the child looked like a mini version of kokushibo. Akaza was now curious the child sparking questions in his mind such as, can demons have children?

Muzan didn't look impressed when akaza turned towards him, he had forgotten that Muzan could read his mind and probably heard all of his thoughts. Akaza snuck a glance towards the other upper moons present. Douma looked quite interested in the child though akaza could see that the interest more to see if he could eat the child rather then where it came from and what Muzan was doing with the child.

Kokushibo well akaza didn't know how to describe him, he looked furious. The small child had caused the upper moon 1 to become angry. That was an amazing feat on its own, but akaza wondered why he was angry, could it be the child reminded him of someone from when he was human? Or was it because the child belonged to him? The thought of an demon having an child didn't seem impossible, akaza swiftly threw that idea out the window because kokushibo was not the type to have an affair with a human woman that was more douma's style, but the human never lasted long, as douma promised each one they will eternally be with him... in his stomach.

The child was adorable, it kept turning to look at us, the child had clearly never seen a demon before and was trying to figure out the different markings we had. He seemed to like being held by Muzan which is a surprise considered the fact that children seemed to avoid Muzan, this was definitely a special child. The child eventually seemed to tire and placed his head against Muzan's shoulder and fell asleep, it was amazing to watch, muzan never let anybody touch him and here is a child using him as a pillow. The child even held Muzan's finger as he went to sleep as if he was scared Muzan was going to leave.

Muzan finally spoke after what felt like eternity was actually a couple of seconds. "This is tanjiro, he will be living here from now on"

There was nothing but pure silence all three of the upper moons stared at Muzan as if he had grown another head suddenly both kokushibo and douma started shouting over each other causing a huge outburst of noise, startling tanjiro. His eyes shot open as he looked around searching for the noise, tears pooled around his eyes and dripped down his cheek like a small waterfall. He started to wail in Muzan's arms becoming unsettled by the loud noise caused by upper moon 1 and 2.

Muzan's piercing glare drilled holes into the pair and they both became silent once more suddenly realising what they have both done.

"Look at what you have done now" Muzan was angry now "how dare you wake him up after I have just gotten him to sleep" Akaza was glad he decided to remain quiet, not wanting to the cause of his anger, the child was still crying and it seemed that he wouldn't be stopping anytime soon.

Muzan moved over to Nakime and gave Tanjiro to her, she moved Tanjiro so he could sit comfortably in her arm and gave her access to play her biwa. She stared to play a soft melody which smoothed the child and slowly he started to stop crying and before long he was fast asleep in her arms, his little fingers clinging onto her kimono.

Muzan turned towards upper moons, "never upset the child again, otherwise I will find replacements for the two of you"

Both kokushibo and douma bowed to Muzan. Douma began to appogise, " I was very surprised when you said he would be living here I appogise for shouting out and awaking him"

Kokushibo looked at Muzan before asking "why keep the child live, he could be a danger in the future"

Muzan moved towards an table and sat down in a chair before turning to reply to kokushibo, "Tanjiro might be the key is need to unlock perfection. He is a descendant of you brother which means that he could be able to use the breath of the sun however with him on our side we could gain the ability to walk under the sun."

"I have a lot of plans for tanjiro and I will need your help to do so. When tanjiro is old enough I want kokushibo and akaza to teach him how to fight and wield a sword. He will need to learn to protect himself,"

Akaza listened to every word Muzan had said. " I will do my best to teach him hand to hand combat"
Kokushibo looked reluctant to teach tanjiro. " I will teach the child to use a wield a sword however I cannot teach him the breath of the sun that is something the boy must learn on his own"

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