Chapter 182

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Qi Shaorong steered the sea boat and drove straight ahead. Several boats quickly followed.

Qi Shaorong frowned at the sea boat following him, and said, "what's the matter! These people don't look for red cherry blossom, but run after us? "

"Those guys are crazy," said Zhuang Hao

"You take the boat, I'll hold them." Zhuang Hao said.

Qi Shaorong nodded and answered, "OK."

Zhuang Hao waves his magic wand, and one by one, magic flies out of the wand to intercept the following sea boat.

The people on the sea boat are not willing to show weakness and launch magic counterattack.

Zhuang Hao's eyes flashed some cold light, and the two sides held a stalemate for a long time. Finally, Zhuang Hao shook off some people behind him.

"I don't know. How are they doing?" Qi Shaorong is worried.

As a matter of fact, soon after they went out to sea, they split into two parts.

Qi Heng follows Tang Tianying to find red cherry blossom. Qi Shaorong and Zhuang Hao lead the pursuers away.

"I don't know, but as long as we drag these people, the fourth Prince and Qi Heng, there should be no big problem." Zhuang Hao said.

"I think so, too."

When Zhuang Hao and Qi Shaorong talked, the attacks behind them fell on the sea boat.

"I think we should worry about our own safety rather than the fourth Prince and Qi Heng." Zhuang Hao said with a wry smile.

"It makes sense."

Qi Shaorong was driving a sea boat, and he ran around aimlessly at sea. Suddenly, there were big bubbles of football on the sea.

"Seems to have entered the territory of the bubble beast." Zhuang Hao said.

"What kind of sea animal is that? I haven't heard of it! But it should be lovely. " Qi Shaorong said.

Zhuang Hao frowned and said, "it's not very cute, it's ugly."

"A liar." The name is so cute, this sea animal should not be ugly.

There was a huge wave on the sea. A creature that looked like an alligator, but bigger than an alligator, appeared.

"That's the bubble beast."

Qi Shaorong opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe it. "It's a lie."

"No mistake, this sea animal has pimples like bubbles and can spit bubbles, so it's called a bubble animal." Zhuang Hao said.

Qi Shaorong: "..."

Qi Shaorong felt goosebumps all over his body when he saw a ferocious looking bubble beast after a bubble beast started.

The wand in Zhuang Hao's hand pointed, and the sea animal's eyes looked in the direction of Zhuang Hao. Zhuang Hao's eyes flashed a bright light. The sea animal puzzled for a while, and rushed to the following ships.

Qi Shaorong looked at Zhuang Hao in disbelief and said, "you have confused the sea animal."

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "yes!"

"Your demagogues are getting more and more powerful!" Qi Shaorong said.

Zhuang Hao smiled and said, "maybe, let's hurry up. The farther we lead these guys, the safer Qiheng and the fourth prince should be."

Zhuang Hao's eyes were shining, and one after another of the bubble beasts fell into confusion and rushed to the pursuer behind.


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