Chapter 203

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The original evil doctor's mansion.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, young master." Qi Heng stepped out of the carriage and greeted Qi Shaorong with a smile.

Qi Shaorong waited at the door early. Seeing Qi Heng, he rushed forward and gave him a big hug.

"Ah Heng, I want to die of you. My heart is empty without you." Qi Shaorong complains with coquetry.

"Young master, you hold too tightly." Qi Heng blushed and looked embarrassed.

Qi Heng's eyes subconsciously glanced at the carriage again and again, as if he was worried about something.

"Is it too tight? I can't help it, young master. It's hard to restrain yourself when he sees your excitement! " Qi Shaorong is excited to pat Qi Heng on the back.

Zhuang Hao can't help but pull Qi Shaorong and say, "you can't hold Qi Heng like this anymore. You can't breathe anymore."

Qi Shaorong: "..."

Zuo Yunfei walked down from the carriage with a gloomy face and stared at Qi Shaorong, his brow frowning.

"Young master Zuo is following ah Heng!" Qi Shaorong smiled and his eyes flashed a little.

Zuo Yunfei nodded and said, "yes!"

Qi Shaorong waved and said: "left little, come in, don't go out at the door."

"Thank you!" Zuo Yunfei spewed out two words coldly.

+++++Qi Shaorong led Qi Heng into the room.

"Ah Heng, you seem to have lost some weight. Isn't your food good?"

Qi Heng rubbed his face and said, "are you thin? Young master, I don't think he is thin! "

Qi Shaorong's hand pinched Qi Heng's face, which was full of sympathy and said: "it's not thin yet. The face is full of bones. I can't take care of you without me."

Left cloud flies to gather up, pulled Qi Shaorong to touch Qi Heng's hand, "should be not thin, I see still grow some fat, round rolling."

Zhuang Haoman took a pitiful look at Zuo Yunfei and said to himself, "Zuo Yunfei, this idiot, can't be saved!"

"Left little, do you have a problem with your eyes?" Qi Shaorong stares at left Yunfei, turns his head to look at Qi Heng, and says, "ah Heng, have you been wronged for such a long time?"

"No." Qiheng road.

"That's what you are, you don't say when you are wronged. You like to hold it in your heart"

Qi Heng: ""

"Young master, this is the life spirit liquid I bought from Miss Deya, the Elf race, and this is the rest of the money." Qiheng road.

"Ah Heng, you are so honest. If you give money, you will spend it. What else will you bring back for? It's not bad for money." Qi Shaorong is generous.

Qi Heng disagrees and says: "so much money, it's useless for me to take it."

Qi Shaorong put up the card, held his chin, and said: "ah Heng! I see your motorcade, there is a beautiful fairy girl at the back! "

Qi Heng nodded and said, "yes! It's the escort that miss Daiya gave me. It's good archery. It's said that it's her distant cousin. "

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "that's it! Why do you put miss daisy on such a shabby carriage? It's still at the back. You're too slow to treat other people's Miss elves... " If he remembers correctly, Qi Heng and Zuo Yunfei seem to have come out of the same carriage before.

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