Chapter 12: City of Ghosts

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It was pouring when you left the building, fortunately Quin found jackets that were designed for weather for both her and Anna to wear, hers was blue while Anna's was green and had a hoodie. The doctor was now nothing but ash and good riddance, he deserved to burn.

Your group was now a size of 5, a group you could call family, one that watches out for one another and was more than willing to fight to protect each other, it was something Anna needed if she was going to live in this world, living alone was too risky in a city of monsters.

You crossed what used to be a street and saw bodies falling out of the window and saw several piles of them. What happened to the people of this place? You were soon going to get your answer.

You quickly entered the nearest building to get out of the rain and tried to plan your next move.

"What are we going to do now?" Anna asked.

"We find a way out of this city, and hopefully find someplace we could call home." Quin answered.

"I'm not even sure if we can find a home out there, but we can give it a try. For now let's focus on finding a way through this building." You say after tightening the string on your hammer.

You go up the flight of stairs and began to hear music, you could tell it was coming from a t.v. upstairs. Could there still be people inside the building, you then thought about the piles of bodies you saw outside and thought otherwise, you kept your hammer ready at all times and continued up the stairs.

The sounds of the t.v. got louder as you got closer, as you climbed up another flight you stop to see a body hanging off the stairs, it was safe to say he fell to his death. Seeing no other way to continue going up, you enter the room.

Suddenly, a man falls through the floor scaring a few years off your life and lands with a loud thud, he suddenly gets up uninjured and runs to the next room, you then hear a loud crashing noise and went to see what happened.

The man appeared to have literally plunged his head into the t.v. and wasn't moving an inch, you even kicked him to be sure he was dead. "What the hell made him do this?" You though with curiosity.

"Are all people in the city like this?" Anna asks.

"Possibly." You answer.

"All the more reason to leave." Quin adds.

Using the t.v. you jumped to the window and climbed up to the other window. When you jumped down you turned on your flashlight and saw another person looking through a hole in the door, he was twitching and was breathing in a strange way.

When the others made it to where you were you signaled them to remain silent and slowly walked passed him, you look down the hall and saw another one looking at a t.v. this one was female and twitched twice as much. You quickly enter the other room, and saw a closed door.

You give Six a boost to turn the handle and went inside first, another civilian was inside and was sitting in the bathtub watching television. You and the others quickly enter the vent and reached the other side to another hall.

The hole in the wall lead to a destroyed area of the building, there was an elevator that could take you to up to a possible way out and made your way down to it with the others following after you.

Anna was the last to jump down to the elevator and stumbled, she was getting used it but still needed time to take in the scenery around her.

Mono takes the pleasure of pulling down the switch and take us up. The elevator then stopped to a locked shutter, there was no way to open it from where we were, leading us to be stuck.

I pull the switch back down and decided to take and an alternate route up.

"You guys head back up, me and Anna will find a way up there and unlock the shutter."

"Take Anna? Red are you sure about this?" Quin asks you with worry in her voice.

"Course she needs to take part in our little adventures when we go solo or with a partner. Besides it'll be fun and that's what she needs right now."

You could see her fill with worry and had to think about it, you remembered when Quin herself was afraid when we had to escape the twins by climbing the plates and using the hooks, you thought you were going to pass out with her death grip. You didn't think about it before but for you, it was honestly fun riding the hooks while escaping certain death, it was something Anna needed after leaving that hospital: A little fun. Besides, ever since you left her in charge with watching over the newest addition to the group, Quin has become a protective big sister to Anna, despite being younger than her and reaching her upper body in height, but a year can easily change you and it changed Quin the most.

Quin finally gives her answer. "Okay, I'll trust you with her."

"Trust? That's a first."

"Anna, I want you to go with Red, they're going to teach you a few things okay?"

"Okay." Anna responds.

I hop out first and Anna slowly follows, Six pulls down the switch and Quin could do nothing but watch us as they head up to the closed shutter.

"Jesus, she's grown up so fast." You say to yourself.

You turn around to look at Anna who is stopping another nose bleed with the torn skirt Quin gave to her. It was going to be tough teaching her, but look at Quin, she was once afraid as well, but over time, she became a little sister who could kick some serious ass if someone pressed the wrong buttons.

"Okay Anna, what we're going to do is find a way to open the shutters that's blocking the other's way, you ready."

She nervously nods her head and follows you on another small adventure.

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