Iruma x Reader| Orientation pt.1

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I'll get on requests soon I promise! I just wanna get used to this fanfiction writing thing again really quickly :)

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3rd Person POV

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High in the sky, soaring through the sea of demons, was a young second year girl. She hummed quietly to herself, using her school bag to cover her skirt to keep it from flying so much. Don't wanna accidentally flash any one on her way to school.

Their was lots of chatter going around the demons around her. Many talking about their break since the previous school year ended, catching up with one another, talking about their new classes, ect. These topics were common on the first few days of the new school year.

The (h/c) haired demoness, had to admit; she was quite nervous. First days of anything, or first times of everything really, was always a bit nerve wracking.

'I wonder what the second year classes are like.' She thought to herself. With a spare hand, she touched the cuff of her school uniform sleeve. The lining was slightly different from how it was in her first year. Proof that she is indeed now a second year.

"Isn't that chair demon Sullivan?"

The gossip of her fellow demons around her brought her attention down to the ground below; where Chair Demon Sullivan stood, along with their security demon Opera, and a young boy in blue.

(Y/n) took notice of the boys uniform. 'First year.' She felt slightly embarrassed for the poor boy. Whatever his relationship was with Chair Demon Sullivan, it sure looked like a parent sending heir child off to school for the first time. 'That stuff usually happens in kindergarten.' She thought with a slight giggle, observing the pair take a picture in front of the Babyls welcome board.

A moment later, she made her way down to the school grounds where she was welcomed by the student council.

"Good morning! Good morning everyone!" They would chant repeatedly. She smiled at them in greeting and made her way over to the second year tower.

"You there!"

The sudden call of one of the student council members made her stop in her tracks. 'Am I in trouble already?' She thought with furrowed brows. Fortunately, they were talking to someone else.

'It's the blue boy.' She relaxed when she noticed that they were indeed, not calling her out but instead the first year boy behind her.

The poor boy was physically startled and very nervous.

'Poor kid.' (Y/n) smiled out of pity.

When the boy was instructed to go to a certain building and enter a certain room, he took off in a little bit of a run.

"No running." (Y/n) commented as he passed her. The blue boy came to a stop.

"O-oh! Sorry!" He stuttered with an apologetic smile.

"You're lucky I'm not the student council president. They're pretty strict about school rules and regulations." (Y/n) smiled. The boy smiled in thanks.

'Sweet kid.' She thought with an amused giggle. The boy seemed like the type to always wear a gentle look on his face.

Before he could take off to where the first years were supposed to go for orientation, (Y/n) grabbed onto his wrist. It startled him slightly and he began to sweat profusely.

'She knows I'm human!' Iruma freaked out internally.

"You're looking a little pale." (Y/n) commented with concern laced in her voice. Completely oblivious to his internal mental breakdown.

She then smiled, "Don't worry! As your senpai, I'll help you!"

"Wha-wha-!" Before Iruma could say anything he was dragged off by the girl. He relaxed slightly, thinking that maybe she was taking him to the orientation room. Then he began to sweat some more and become even more baffled when they passed the room and entered another one a few hallways down.

"What about orientation.." Iruma asked timidly.

Enter Iruma Suzuki. Firs year. Human. But you already know that. (Y/n) doesn't though.

"Here." She held out a damp cloth.

Iruma stared at it for a brief moment before picking it up. He didn't even notice that she had been shuffling around the room, getting things ready for something.

When he wasn't doing anything with it, the girl sighed and picked up the cloth again. She moved closer to the boy and raised her hands with the cloth. "Honestly," She breathed out, "does your senpai have to do everything for you?" She gently patted his face.

Iruma blushed profusely. "O-oh! I'm sorry!" He apologized.

It was then Iruma noticed just how much he's been sweating. Had he really been that nervous? He thought to himself. So nervous that this random girl had taken upon herself to clean him up a little bit? Yes. Yes he was.

"Huh? Strange." The girl muttered.

Iruma hummed in question.

"You're not sweating as much as before but your face is still pretty form." She placed a bare hand in his cheek gently.

Iruma blushed even harder. One again... more sweat.

"This is the best we can do for now. You don't wanna be late." She pulled away, and went to deal with the wet cloth quickly.

Iruma looked around the room. It looked to be some sort of infirmary. A nurses office actually. Before he can comment to himself about how unobservant he was, his eyes fell on the clock. "The orientation!" He gasped.

"I know, I know. Come on." The girl grabbed his wrist and speed walked out of the room and down the hall.

They reached the room the first years were supposed to be in and pushed their way inside.

This is a lot longer than I intended it to be so part 2 is coming soon, probably today or tomorrow.

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