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On the drive back to the prosecutor's office, Kristoph's words kept replaying in Klavier's head.

It is to be expected.

Have you ever been able to do anything yourself?

You never fail to disappoint.

Recently his life seemed to be nothing but failure after failure, disappointment after disappointment.

Klavier was nothing but a faliure, wasn't he?

He glanced at his side mirror when he was at a stoplight, and even under his helmet he could see how disheveled and distraught he looked.

He couldn't go back to work now. He needed some time to collect his thoughts.

He pulled over to the side of the road and took out his phone, dialing the number of the Chief Prosecutor.

After three rings, the phone was picked up.

"This is Miles Edgeworth speaking."

"Guten tag, Herr Edgeworth!" Klavier masqueraded his voice and kept it from tremoring as best as he could.

"Something just came up, do you think it would be alright if I took the rest of the day off?"

It wasn't even two seconds later when he was answered.

"Of course you can take off. Just be sure to file the proper paperwork on your return."

"Thank you, sir."

After they hung up, Klavier kept driving until he arrived at his house.

As soon as he locked the door to his home behind him, he collasped on the floor, staring at the ceiling. Vongole ran up to greet him, and when she sensed how her owner was feeling, she put her head next to his, as if to comfort him.

"Danke, Vongole..." Klavier thought it was pathetic, that the only person who seemed to care about him was his brother's former dog.

There were some other people that Klavier cared about, but he was sure none of them felt the same way. Especially not the one he wanted to feel the same way the most.

Someone who 'never fails to disappoint' doesn't deserve people to care about him.

He sat there on the floor with Vongole for what felt like hours.


Klavier's head perked up, as did Vongole's.

It was the buzzer for the security gate. But who could possibly be here?

He hoped it wasn't the paparazzi or some of his fans, he couldn't talk to them right now.
He stood up and spoke into the microphone.


"Hello Prosecutor Gavin. It's Apollo. I- brought something for you."

Apollo was here? Thousands of things were running through Klavier's head then, the most prominent being:

Why is he here?

How did he know my address?

What did he bring?

And most importantly:

Oh my God I must look horrible.

Klavier had appearances to keep up. And when he glanced in a mirror he had hanging on the wall, he saw that his appearance was terrible.

His hair was sticking up and the swirl had come partly undone, his makeup had gotten ruined due to the water that fell from his eyes, which were all were puffy and red.

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