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( this is based on jin's POV ) 

soon, time flew by and it was 5 

i was quite nervous of how she would react to me and i then began thinking about how she may reject me because of my busy schedule and me being an idol 

but logically, would she really reject me because there is no such thing as a second chance soulmate unless your soulmate died or you are born with no soulmate 

we were all sitting in the meeting room and my palms are getting so sweaty due to my nervousness and the boys tried to calm me down with so many ways 

i was thankful of namjoon's soulmate as she has also wished me luck which i am very grateful of but, i am still nervous 

i suddenly felt a pull which made my soulmark hurt a lot and i winced in pain which leads to those member who have found their soulmates excited 

" oohh! your soulmate is coming! ahh!! " 

jungkook and taehyung began holding each other's hands and jumping and spinning in circles due to their excitement 

" why what's happening to jin hyung? "

yoongi asked which made jungkook and taehyung stop what they are doing and looked at him, together with namjoon, looking at yoongi and exclaimed 

" this means that jin hyung's mate is coming! we don't know where she might be but she is coming! " 

it took them so fast to calm down which was weirdly unusual and soon after, there was a knock on the door which made me snap out from the wincing of the pain and tried to act that it wasn't hurting and when the door opened, a young girl stepped in and she looks like she is younger than jungkook, maybe at the age of 19-20 

when i lay my eyes on her, it felt as if she was made just for me 

her sleek figure on the outfit she has totally fits her and that heels she has made her seem like a working woman 

the curls at the ends of her hair, the way it slowly gave out soft vibes from her and although we could tell that it was made due to the curling iron but it seemed as if it was made for her as the curls suits her very well 

her eyes began wandering around the room and once our eyes made contact with each other, time seemed to have stopped as i was mesmerised by her beauty and the soft vibes she was giving out was like a spell, casted on me 

" you're my soulmate... " 

i immediately broke the eye contact because Bang PD-nim began clearing his throat and eyeing jungkook and taehyung as they cooed at us getting lost in each others eyes

once Bang PD-nim has gotten everyone's attention, he immediately asked her a question which made me nervous once again 

" before we start anything. i have a question for you. do you accept seokjin as your soulmate? if not, please leave this room and pretend that none of this has ever happened 

" obviously i would accept him! he is my soulmate i have been waiting so long to meet! i will accept him no matter what "

she said and i immediately got up to hug her 

" thank you... thank you so much for staying by my side. i promise i won't disappoint you "

i told her and she patted my shoulder 

" i know. so what will happen now that i find out that my soulmate is an idol? will things change? "

y/n asked Bang PD-nim and we all has our attention back at him and y/n also sat beside me 

" firstly, do you have a job? "

" yes i do have 3 part-time jobs "

y/n answered which cause everyone in the room to look at her shocked, and had their eyes big and mouths hanging open, even me 

i thought that she only has 1 part-time job 

maybe even 2 

but i seriously did not expect that she has 3 part-time jobs

' it must be hard trying to study and work at the same time ' i thought as i glanced at her 

" so to avoid any problems like the pull, can you quit all of them and instead, you be our staff so that you can be close to jin and at the same time, have a job "

Bang PD-nim said and y/n bit her lips, considering this chance to be much less stress from work and earning money 

after much consideration, y/n nodded her head which cause cheers to be erupted from us but she then continued 

" but can you give me one more week ? i feel indebt to one of my boss that i am working part time. i just need a week with her and i will quit that job. she is the one that has helped me a lot when no one could so please? "

y/n asked Bang PD-nim about it and after much consideration, he nodded his head and y/n was smiling really wide 

the time flew by with talking, briefing and planning on how to stay hidden and to avoid any paparazzi 

soon it was dinner and the boys and i convinced y/n to stay and have dinner with us which she was at first, reluctant about but in the end, gave in because i said that i wanted to get to know more about her 

' she's so cute. she is totally all for me. she herself, is as if she was made for me '

was what i thought when i saw her happily talking to the boys, introducing herself and playing some ice breakers games to break the ice between them and to also make y/n feel more comfortable 

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