Chapter 3:

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Ok so if you read chapter 2 you saw a twist... I really hope you enjoy this chapter cause I'm going to make it longer. :D


"If you don't we will kill your girlfriend Niall." The girl with long brown hair says,

I feel something press against my neck, it's a knife! Not like 1 of the kitchen ones, like those ones that the freakin serial killers use!

I'm now shaking. "Someone's scared." Whispers the blonde girl that's holding me down, her breath is warm against my ear.

"Ok so we're going to take off the gag and let you go if you come to the van or the girl dies." The other girl with brown hair whispers, I nod, so does Niall. My gag is taken off and the girl lets go of me, I stand up and they do the same to Niall. "let's go then." I say still shaking, they lead us to their creepy mini van.

The blonde one opens the door, "Well go in!" She says, I step in and I literally freeze, Niall steps in behind me and freezes too, Liam is sitting in the corner of the back of the van tied up! "how'd you?!-" Niall asks, "It was easy" the girl that never talked before says, there's 6 of them all together, I'm dead.

The blonde girl pushes me in the van, there's no seats in the van, so we sit on the floor. 4 of the girls are in the back with us. "can you learn your 1st names at least?" Niall asks "I'm Ashley," 1 girl says, "and this is Hannah, Lauren, Olivia, Courtney, and Julia."

"I'm scared." I whisper to Niall, "Sarah I am too." He replies, "Tie them up!" Hannah orders, "Who 1st?" Lauren asks, "The girl." Hannah replies, I start to scoot near Liam but Courtney is now holding me, they handcuff me, and gag me, "Get Niall" Olivia orders, Courtney sits me down next to Liam.

Niall's hands are tied, but they keep him on the other side of the van, Hannah was Driving, Julia was sitting next to her in the front, the rest were in the back watching us.

I can't stop shaking, and Liam could see that so he's attempting to calm me down, "Take off their gags" Olivia orders, they take off Liam's, then mine, then Niall's,. "listen Sarah everything is going to be ok." Liam says, I shake my head, Ashley sits in front of me and Liam and says , "I wouldn't recommend talking." I refuse me make eye contact with her, "Why?" Liam asks, he had to ask why.

"Because you're defenseless tied up or not!" She says, "How?" He asks, she slaps me hard, "OW!" I yell, "DON'T YOU TOUCH HER!" Niall exclaims, Ashley pulls out a knife, I get as close to Liam as possible.

"We're here!" Hannah says, "This will be a tough 1, we all need to go" Olivia says, they all leave the truck and lock us in.

Niall scoots over to us and says "You guys ok?" Liam nods, I start crying, I couldn't help it too much is happening. "you know they're going to kill me." I say still crying, "Don't cry!" Liam exclaims, my phone goes off, it's my dads ringtone.

"Babe go to sleep." Niall says, "Where?" I ask, "On Liam's lap." Niall says scooting back to his spot. "Go ahead" Liam says, I fall asleep right away.


"She's so cute when she's sleeping." I hear someone say, I open my eyes and Harry Styles is hovering over me, I scream.

I sit up, all 5 members of one direction we're surrounding me. "let's go everyone grab a person." Lauren says, Ashley automatically grabbed me, "Let me go." I plead, now I'm blindfolded.

She leads me somewhere, I don't know where, but she pushes me in. I hear that the other boys are in the room. They lock the door. Looks like I'm officially kidnapped.


Well there you guys go, I hope you like it.

My instagram: @tacotiger

My KIK; @tacotiger

Chapter 4 uploading probably tomorrow.

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