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EXO if they saw a girl crying....

Suho: Never lose hope... If you have a financial problem Im here...

Baekhyun: Your eyeliner is falling...

D.O.: Why are crying??? Is there something wrong?? Is my dish tastes bad??

Kai: Stop that! You looking like a fool!!

Chanyeol: Its better to smile like an idiot than to cry like an crazy.

Sehun: Its better to sip a bubble te--

Luhan: Heres Hello Kitty..

Kris: Life is full of tears, everyone of us cry but make sure you smile a lots than to cry *holds your hands!!*

Chen: I give all you want so stop that!

Xuimin: Baozis gives you comfort..

Tao: Express that by trying wushu.

Lay: What kind of eyes you have?? its like a waterfalls! Its produces water!!

ANG BANAT NG EXOTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon