Paratha- The agony of a rich brat.

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Paratha was born in an affluent Punjabi family. His father Mr. Wheat was a prominent figure in the entire region. Such was his influence, that there were no meal in any of the household without his presence. He single handedly managed all 3 meals of the day and there was no reason for his folks to look beyond Mr. Wheat for their culinary needs. Paratha, was born with butter in his mouth. He was pampered to the core and this lead him grow into a brat. He wouldn't walk down the throat without being smeared in butter on all sides. His close pals, Yoghurt and Pickle danced to his tunes and were always in his company. These 3 guys had gained immense popularity not only in their town but in distant lands too. As our lad grew in popularity, he woed damsels with his charm. The Potatoes, Cauliflowers, Radish and Fenugreek were all charmed by Paratha's charisma. He enjoyed the company of these beauties and all the attention he was grabbing. He was indeed leading a princely life. Then came an era, of so called diet food fanatics. This genre didn't enjoy the richness of Paratha and they made every possible effort to demean him. The new kids, the likes of Corn flakes, Oats and Musseli were marking their own territories. Paratha soon witnessed, a steep downfall in his reputation. From once being an Apple to many eyes, he was now being ignored from his very household. To add on this agony, his closest folk, Yoghurt had now partnered with Musseli. He ran into an depression and such was his dejection, that he stopped visited his folks even on special occassions. It was then, his youger sibling 'Roti' held the fortress and filled in the devoid created by Paratha's absence. Unlike, his elder sibling, Roti was much sober and of a calm demeanor. Roti, true to his natural qualities, decided to stand by his brother and help him regain from his misery. The Oats and Flakes, who gained instant limelight, soon found themselves struggling to live up to their reputation. People, got bored of their taste profile and they once again turned their heads to the local lads. Roti radiated positivism and this helped Paratha to regain the reigns and he came back stronger than ever. He molded himself to the modern times, whilst keeping his nutritional qualities intact. Paratha and Roti were once again the talk of the town. With sheer perseverance they proved their health benefits was larger than the feigned calorie counters. This marked a true victory of tradition over style .

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