Chapter 9

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He entered the house, it was dead silent. Looking around he noticed his dad in the kitchen looking at him.

"Talk to me while your mom isn't here." he pointed at the chair across from him. "Where were you."

"Are you gonna tell mom?" he shook his head while Felix sat down "I went clubbing with someone."

"Who? A boyfriend?" his dad raised a brow seeing Felix blush.

"I- I uhm.. yeah" He felt a heavy weight on him, his parents never knew or expected him to be gay so he wanted them to take it well.

"Who is he~" He spoke and smiled teasingly poking Felix. "I don't care who it is come on, tell me."

"Well... my teacher.. Mr.Bang."

"Oh." the older smiled

"Don't tell mom."

"I won't, I used to fuck around with my teachers too, they were all MILFs"

Felix's eye widened "Milfs?" he asked

"Mom I like to fuck."

"OH MY GOD. DAD" Felix got up making a grossed face.

"If I for ANY reason tell her you're dating you're teacher, you can rat me out." He wanted to make it fair, he knew he wouldn't say anything but he has those moments when he's drunk. "Go to your room and act like I talked to you, your mom will be back soon" Felix nodded grabbing a drink and a bag of chips to take up.



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He heard his mom calling him to go down. Dreading it he slowly got up and walked down.

"Where were you."

"I already talked to dad. "

"Yes he said you snuck out with friends, where did you guys go?"

"A park then getting food, went to... changbins house and ended up falling asleep. We didn't do anything dangerous or illegal."

"Was Kevin with you guys?"

"No, he doesn't even know about it."

"Okay. So what's up with school."

"What do you mean?"

"You've been stay after late, later then tutoring times. I've asked I know you aren't going to tutoring, plus the classes you're saying the grades are high."

"He's probably just staying after to get help on homework, teachers don't leave till like 6 either." His dad stepped in to take her attention off of Felix.

"Yeah but coming home exhausted? He doesn't do sports or anything to be exhausted like that. Trouble walking? He walks weird some days. Felix who are you messing with after school. You even got caught in the restroom." His dad nor Felix had anything to say. Felix just looked at the ground trying to think of something. "That friend of yours looked quiet old, who is he."

"Mom, I'm almost 18 just let me do whatever I want" he actually had an attitude for once. which probably wasn't a good idea.

"Almost, you still have 6 months that I'm responsible for you, I don't want you getting into bad things. Who is he. How old is he."

"No. I'm not telling you." His mom got quiet, he usually just told them everything. No one really had anything to say now. "I'll just go up." He went back to his room pissed off this time.

He checked the time 9:47am, he decided tot are a nap till noon since he was tired. He took his pants off and changed into a tee shirt and laid in bed. His parents didn't usually wake him unless they went somewhere or made food, even then they'd let him go back to sleep of he wanted.


"Ahh~" He let out a loud stream if moans. It felt so much bigger then time then it did before. "Y- you can go n- now" Chris smirked, he trusted into the younger boy slowly since he seemed to have forgotten what sex was like. He grabbed the youngers throat whole speeding up making him whimper.

Felix looked a mess, he was drooling, screaming, and couldn't keep his tounge still or in his mouth. The older enjoyed it, and he found it quiet hot. The faster he went to hotter the scene got, eventually, becoming sloppy. Felix felt himself release, soon followed by the older following inside of him.

"Mngg~" he groaned and kissed the older.

"Wake up felix." Chris said

"huh?" He opened his eyes and sat up stretching. Looking around the room he glanced at his clock 11:36, it was almost noon.

Felix stood up and stretched more feeling a bit uncomfortable. Felix looked at himself and saw he done cum in his underwear over his dream. Rolling his eyes he went to get a fresh pair of boxers and sweats. After changing he smelt food was being made and ran down.

"You look rough." His mom said glancing st him

"I took a nap." he yawned. and went to see what she was making "Oooo~"

"Sit with your dad I'll bring plates" He did as she said and sat across from him.

"She's gonna try getting it out of you." his dad mumbled to him. Felix looked up at him annoyed.

"I just woke up." he sighed and combed his fingers through his hair to fix it.

"Make it easier to get shit from you" He sat up straight as she broght the food over.

"How was your nap." She sat next to her husband.

"Pretty good and planning to keep the good attitude the rest of the day." he shoved a fork full of Ramen into his mouth.

"Good. Is that boys name actually Changbin." Felix got a bit annoyed but the topic but was glad she wasn't pushing.


"What is it."

"Not telling you."

"So I got a raise" His dad quickly came in to switch the topic. They stood on that topic for the remainder of lunch. Felix finished and put his plate into the sink.

"Felix you need a job" his mom said

"I know, I'm busy with school though"

"You have a license, get a job, if you start now you'll get used to it before college."

"I'll look." he agreed with what she was saying and grabbed a soda

"We'll buy you a car later around the time school ends, you've been doing pretty well, academic wise not behavior, of course, only if you get a job though, you gotta pay for your own gas."

"Makes sense" He smiled and ran back up to his room to play games. Though the moment he entered he got a call. Looking at the phone to see 'Chan ❤' he smiled and answered pretty happily.


(A/N) the dad knows what's up 🤣🤣.

I think there might be 2-3 chapters left before it ends. you guys are probably gonna be mad at me 🥲

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