Chapter One

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-Third Person Point of View-

Humming quietly to himself, Jihoon sat in the living room as he played with his new stuffed animal, Cloud. Not knowing that Jihoon was little, Jeonghan gifted Cloud to him as a gag gift. The little one was so excited to have another stuffed animal, but he tried not to show it since no one knew he was a little. Later that night while everyone was asleep, Jihoon took out both of his stuffed animals and ventured into the living room. Cloud was the soft pink and purple cat that had a fluffy tail that reminded the little of a cloud, hence her name. Princess Jiberry was a small stuffed penguin that Jihoon had since their debut, Hansol had gifted it to him.

"Wes 'afta save Pwincess Jibewy fwom da eeval evee (We have to save Princess Jiberry from the evil tv)," Jihoon exclaimed, pointing to the small stuffed penguin that was hidden half behind the tv.

Standing with Cloud in his hands, Jihoon shakily waddled over to the tv. Acting as if he were a spy along the way, giggling when he tripped over his own two feet onto the plush carpet.

"Oh no! 'Oonie 'uwt (Hoonie hurt)," Jihoon exclaimed, dramatically clutching his arm before clumsily getting onto his feet, "Don wowy (don't worry)! 'Oonie go on (Hoonie go on)!"

Running over to the tv, Jihoon grabbed Princess Jiberry and held her into the air as if he won a prize. Which to the little made perfect sense.

"Cwoud (Cloud)! Wes won (We won)!" Jihoon cheered, hugging his stuffed animals to his chest, jumping up and down happily.

His celebration was cut short by someone entering the room. They coughed slightly and when he looked up he saw Joshua staring back at him.

"What are you doing?" Joshua asked curiously, he had been woken up by the little's cheering.

Jihoon at Joshua with wide teary eyes. His stuffed animals fell from his grip as he frantically tried to explain to his hyung what he saw. Tears started to freely fall from his eyes as he let out a sob. No one was supposed to find out but someone did.

"'Oonie sowy (Hoonie sorry)!" Jihoon cried, crumpling to the floor as tears fell, "Sowy 'Oonie did bad (Sorry Hoonie did bad). 'Oonie bad (Hoonie bad)."

Joshua watched with concern and confusion. Crouching down to Jihoon's height, Joshua cupped his face and gently lifted it, so Jihoon looked at him.

"Hey, calm down. You didn't do anything bad." Joshua consoled the little as he wiped away the little's tears with his thumbs.

Jihoon stared at Joshua with wet eyes. Joshua mentally cooed at the sight.

"'Oonie not bad (Hoonie not bad)?" He asked, sniffling.

Joshua smiled and shook his head.

"No, you're not bad." Joshua responded, "How about we go to the kitchen to get some chocolate milk while you explain everything?"

Jihoon nodded and allowed Joshua to help him stand.

"Tank cu mama (thank you, mama)," Jihoon muttered as he clutched the elder's arm looking shyly at the ground.

If Joshua heard him, he didn't show a reaction. Not yet at least.


-Joshua's Point of View-

Handing Jihoon a glass of chocolate milk, I sat down in the seat next to him. His two stuffed animals were in his lap as he grasped the glass with shaky hands and drank the milk. As he drank the milk, I observed what he was wearing. His top was a long-sleeved pink shirt that fell past his knees with small peaches covering it, he appeared to be wearing no bottoms besides a pair of black boxer shorts, and on his feet were white socks thigh highs that had little red hearts on them.

"Jihoon?" I asked and he turned to me.

"Yes?" He asked, putting the milk on the counter, quite loudly might I add.

"What did I see? Why did you say you did something bad?" I asked.

Jihoon looked down at his stuffed animals as he mumbled something.

"Could you repeat that?" I asked softly.

Jihoon looked up with a small pout on his face.

"Cu won 'ate 'Oonie (you won't hate Hoonie)?" He asked.

I was confused but shook my head, hoping he'd continue. Besides, it was hard to be mad at him while he was acting this cute.

"Isa ting cawed witte space.....'Oonie 'bouts tree (it's a thing called little space.....Hoonie about three)," Jihoon explained fiddling with the wing on his penguin.

"A little?" I asked confused, keeping my expression positive.

Jihoon nodded before taking out his phone from seemly nowhere....well it looks like his phone but at the same time not. Instead of that Vernon meme phone case, it was a fluffy pink rabbit phone case.

After finding what he was looking for, Jihoon handed his phone to me. On the screen was a note. It read: little space is a mindset in which an adult relaxes into a state of carefree, responsibility-free safety.

"A witte (a little)," Jihoon said pointing to the screen, "A fwiend of 'Oonie towds 'Oonie 'bouts it. It 'ewps 'Oonie get wids of da bad stuffs (a friend of Hoonie told Hoonie about it. It helps Hoonie get rid of all the bad stuff)."

I nodded as I try to process the information.

"Okay, so who's your friend?" I ask.

"Yoonie buts 'Oonie 'as wots of fwiends wo know wike Yoonie fwiends and Cwoud and Pwincess Jiberry (Yoonie but Hoonie has lots of friends who know, like Yoonie's friends and Cloud and Princess Jiberry)," Jihoon explained taking his phone back and clutching it with both hands, "Caw one of 'Oonie fwiends to tawk too (call one of Hoonie friends to talk to)?"

I shook my head.

"No, I'm fine. How about we call them in the morning." I said as Jihoon nodded in agreement, "We should get some sleep first."

Jihoon looked up at me with sleepy eyes as he nodded.

"Ups?" He asked picking up his stuffed animals to hold them to his chest.

I smiled and picked him up gently. Carrying him to the room that I share with Jeonghan, I place him on the bed before climbing in next to him pulling the blankets over us.

"Nite nite mama (night night mama)," Jihoon whispered as he cuddled up to me, falling into a peaceful sleep.

"Good night, sweetie," I whispered back as I closed my eyes.


A/n: This is being rewritten/continued from my other account Little_Jellyfish Since I've stopped using the said account.

Anyways thanks for reading y'all! Have a good day!

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