dare || a camren oneshot

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"Lauren Michelle Jauregui, I dare you to live without me for a whole day. No calling, no texting, or any form of communication. If you passed, my heart will belong to you forever."

inspo from pinterest
"Hello bab-" before Camila can finish, Lauren excitedly squealed when they were on their daily phone call.

"Camzi, I'm so happy that I can head back to Miami in two days! I haven't seen you in months!"

"Miss me too much, huh?"

"Don't be so self-obsessed, Cabello."

"We shall see. Lauren Michelle Jauregui, I dare you to live without me for a whole day. No calling, no texting, or any form of communication. If you passed, my heart will belong to you forever."

"Challenge accepted. Bet."

"Good luck surviving on that, Lolo."

Lauren smirked, "Watch me kick your ass, Camz."


Time crawled and Lauren felt like the day seemed to stretch on into infinity. She took out her phone and found the contact she had been looking for. Just about the time she was going to press the "call" button, a thought ran through her mind.

I can't lose.


Lauren called Camila the next morning but it went straight to voicemail. She wondered if Camila was still sleeping and smiled at the thought that passed her mind.


After she arrived in Miami, she rushed to Camila's house but no one was home. Instead, there was a small note stuck on the door.


Please come. Sinu already texted you the address.


She checked her phone and grinned. She can't wait to meet the Cabello family.


When Lauren arrived, tension and shock took over her whole body.

She never expected to see this sight.

People wearing black dresses and suits sat solemnly in rows. Piano music was playing in the background but the sound of sobbing is still audible.

As well as Camila lying in a coffin.

Her legs were quivering as she walked closer. She noticed a blue envelope was also lying in the coffin, with the words "Dearest Lauren" scribbled on it. The tears she had been trying to hold back spilled over and flowed down her face like a river escaping a dam.

Camila always remembered she loved the color blue. 

Lauren's finger trembled as she opened the envelope. She cried even harder when she saw the familiar messy handwriting on the letter.

Dearest Lauren,
    Congrats on completing the challenge, my baby!!! Now that you've made it, please do it every day...

   I'm sincerely sorry Lolo, I should've told you earlier. My proud ass thought I could've handled cancer by myself but the tumor inside me grew uncontrollably. I was told by the doctor that I only have a day left until I leave this world.

Before I say farewell to you, here's five things I want to remind you about:

1. I will never forget the time when we snuck at 2 am to get tacos, the nights we laid on the grass and gazed at the stars, the day when I had my first kiss under the sunset, and so many more that I can't even list them all. Those beautiful memories of my life spent with you are the best.

2.Even though I might not be with you in a physical form, I'll always live in your heart and mind. From the moment I left this world, my whole soul belongs to you until eternity. When you miss me, look up at the moon, you know I will be waiting there.

3. Thank you for loving me. If I never get the chance to be with you, I would never experience how it feels like to fall in love. If I could, I want to stay with you until we're grey and old.

4. I love how your nose scrunches up every time you laugh. I love how cute your little freckles are even though you hate them. I love how your green eyes brighten up when you are talking about something you are enthusiastic about. I love how you always speak up for what you think is right. I love how you hold so much compassion and sympathy for others. I love everything about you, all your strengths and imperfections.

5. Last but not least, don't deny yourself from moving on. As bad as it hurts, you deserve happiness and I'm willing to exchange anything for you to smile. You are my forever but I won't be yours.

I love you.

P.S  As I promised, my heart belongs to you forever now.

Always yours,

Teardrops ran down Lauren's cheeks as she reread the handwritten letter over and over again. She blamed herself for leaving Camila to fight the demon on her own. She regretted that she left Miami in the first place. She could've done something to help her. 

Every night, Lauren cried herself to sleep. She never visits Camila, not even once. It all hurts too much.


Years later, Lauren finally plucked up the courage to go to visit Camila again even though she was still crying on the inside. She kneeled down and placed a sunflower next to the dusted gravestone. 

As the night breeze brushed over her cheeks, she closed her eyes.

"You told me don't deny myself from moving on and you sneaky bitch knows that I can't say no to you." Lauren chuckled.

"Hey, but here's the thing, my Camz. I met this girl named Lucy in a coffee shop a few weeks ago and she's been texting me since that day. If this really works out, just so you know, I can't love someone so fiercely and passionately again because a long time ago, I gave a piece of my heart to a girl who owned a pair of caramel eyes. You know that I will never forget nor stop loving you, right?"

When she opened her emerald green eyes and saw the bright moon hanging in the night sky, she knew she found the answer.

"I know."

A/N: Thank you for reading and please vote! Also, if there are any typos/grammar errors please ignore them. I typed some of them at 3 am ;)


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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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